Last night we went to Red Robin for dinner. I ate the lamest burger ever there because of my new dietary restrictions. I am now off of dairy, soy and all things spicy or acidic so as not to make my daughter bleed or have a horrific diaper rash.
My lame burger was a plain patty (no ketchup, mustard, etc.) with a huge slice of raw onion, in a bun made of lettuce. So beef, onion and lettuce. That's it. Thank goodness for their seasoned fries.
On a positive note, because my diet is so limiting, I have only 8.5 pounds to lose to reach my ideal weight. Not bad for just having a baby 3 months ago, I guess.
Picture Perfect: A Year Later
Last weekend, we went to good ole Wal-Mart for our annual Christmas portraits. We had wanted our photographer friend from church to take it, the one who did Lucas' one year photos that turned out awesome. Unfortunately, he was already booked so we went the el cheapo route.
This year's family portrait has one more Lomonaco in it. Weird that last year was Lucas' first Christmas and now, a year later, it is Emily's.
One more person made the photo that much harder to get.
Some highlights of the experience:
1) When already running late to get out the door, Emily pooped through her beautiful dress. I cleaned her up the best I could with a wipe and we were on our way. It was on the back of the dress, so it wouldn't show in the picture.
2) The photographer used a squeaky, plastic rubber duck (like Ernie's on Sesame Street) to attempt to get Lucas to smile. That plan backfired as my kid kept reaching forward and whining, "Duckie." Numerous pictures showed his hands outstretched.
3) Mike had a large scab on his lip from them being severely chapped and cracked. I, a professed chapstick addict, don't understand how one could let that happen. Just use the Blistex man. It's good stuff.
4) And finally, the best picture of everyone had me looking fat. Wait...
Stay tuned. One of these fun photos should be arriving in your mailbox around Christmas time.
This year's family portrait has one more Lomonaco in it. Weird that last year was Lucas' first Christmas and now, a year later, it is Emily's.
One more person made the photo that much harder to get.
Some highlights of the experience:
1) When already running late to get out the door, Emily pooped through her beautiful dress. I cleaned her up the best I could with a wipe and we were on our way. It was on the back of the dress, so it wouldn't show in the picture.
2) The photographer used a squeaky, plastic rubber duck (like Ernie's on Sesame Street) to attempt to get Lucas to smile. That plan backfired as my kid kept reaching forward and whining, "Duckie." Numerous pictures showed his hands outstretched.
3) Mike had a large scab on his lip from them being severely chapped and cracked. I, a professed chapstick addict, don't understand how one could let that happen. Just use the Blistex man. It's good stuff.
4) And finally, the best picture of everyone had me looking fat. Wait...
Stay tuned. One of these fun photos should be arriving in your mailbox around Christmas time.
Fuzzy Wuzzy
I'll never forget the poem a boy in my eighth grade Gifted English class recited on the day that we had to dramatically present a memorized poem to the class.
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he?
He was the stoner kid in class. Were any kids in eighth grade really stoned? Hopefully not, but he seemed it. Kind of spacey and said "dude" a lot. Anyway, I digress...
I taught Lucas (my 21 month old) Fuzzy Wuzzy today and he loved it. He's got the first line down and wants to hear it again and again and again.
I hope that he knows better than to present it in class in eighth grade, though (first or second would be ok;-).
I wonder what became of the stoner kid and if he realizes that every time I think of him and his poem I chuckle. 17 years later and I still find it freakin' hilarious.
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he?
He was the stoner kid in class. Were any kids in eighth grade really stoned? Hopefully not, but he seemed it. Kind of spacey and said "dude" a lot. Anyway, I digress...
I taught Lucas (my 21 month old) Fuzzy Wuzzy today and he loved it. He's got the first line down and wants to hear it again and again and again.
I hope that he knows better than to present it in class in eighth grade, though (first or second would be ok;-).
I wonder what became of the stoner kid and if he realizes that every time I think of him and his poem I chuckle. 17 years later and I still find it freakin' hilarious.
Dressed to Impress
Women's Roles
So I have a question for all of my readers. A doosey of a question.
What are women's roles in the church?
The reason this came up is that we had a woman in our congregation guest "preach" on Sunday. As this was the week that we had Emily dedicated, we had some friends and Mike's mom in attendance. At lunch afterwards, Mike's mom brought up that it "grieved" her that a woman taught at church that day. It turns out that that is why our very traditional Christian friends did not stay to hear the sermon.
We have had women at our church share before. A mom talked about motherhood on Mother's Day, for example. I did wonder about this the first time it happened as it does say in the Bible that women can't teach men in church (only children). More specifically it says in I Timothy 2: 11-13 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.
Does this hold true today? Should women be silent and submissive in the church? Or was this relevant to the time like wearing head coverings?
I know that we shouldn't pick and choose which verses to accept in the Bible. That our theology should not be based on what makes us feel best, but what God intends. Yet I can't help but feel somewhat slighted if women have to keep their mouthes shut at church. We have insight and intelligence to offer, too.
I fully expect an answer from a certain seminary graduate (you know who you are).
What are women's roles in the church?
The reason this came up is that we had a woman in our congregation guest "preach" on Sunday. As this was the week that we had Emily dedicated, we had some friends and Mike's mom in attendance. At lunch afterwards, Mike's mom brought up that it "grieved" her that a woman taught at church that day. It turns out that that is why our very traditional Christian friends did not stay to hear the sermon.
We have had women at our church share before. A mom talked about motherhood on Mother's Day, for example. I did wonder about this the first time it happened as it does say in the Bible that women can't teach men in church (only children). More specifically it says in I Timothy 2: 11-13 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.
Does this hold true today? Should women be silent and submissive in the church? Or was this relevant to the time like wearing head coverings?
I know that we shouldn't pick and choose which verses to accept in the Bible. That our theology should not be based on what makes us feel best, but what God intends. Yet I can't help but feel somewhat slighted if women have to keep their mouthes shut at church. We have insight and intelligence to offer, too.
I fully expect an answer from a certain seminary graduate (you know who you are).
Lately I haven't been getting any naps. A couple weeks ago, Emily decided that Lucas' 2-3 hour nap time (and my only opportunity for daytime slumber or time off) would be her longest awake stretch. Then last week, my mother-in-law visited and Lucas stopped napping the whole time she was here. He would only catch them when being walked in the stroller or driven somewhere. If put down for a nap, he would just scream and/or play in his room. My mother in law suggested that I might just walk the kids daily so that they can get their nap in. Not going to happen.
This bad habit continues this week. My 20 month old is NOT going to be giving up his naps, though. I will win this power struggle or at least fight tooth and nail to get my break back. His nap time (if Emily will allow it) is my only me time besides in the late evening when I am too tired to do much of anything but drool and crawl into bed.
2 days of screaming later and he is still not taking his (or my) much needed break. Tonight I put him to bed at 6pm because he was deliriously tired and I was sick of being around his crabby self. We'll see what time he wakes up.
Between getting up at night to feed and take care of Emily, waking up at the crack of freakin' dawn with Lucas (try 6 am everyday), and now not getting any naps, I am a basketcase. I can't even think clearly, like I am drunk or something. And I am so stressed out that it takes me a minute or so to relax enough to pee.
Oh and I am off of all things milk again, too, as Emily is allergic like her brother was. No ice cream, no sleep, no life outside of screaming kids and poopy diapers. Life really stinks right now! I cannot wait to get through this season.
This bad habit continues this week. My 20 month old is NOT going to be giving up his naps, though. I will win this power struggle or at least fight tooth and nail to get my break back. His nap time (if Emily will allow it) is my only me time besides in the late evening when I am too tired to do much of anything but drool and crawl into bed.
2 days of screaming later and he is still not taking his (or my) much needed break. Tonight I put him to bed at 6pm because he was deliriously tired and I was sick of being around his crabby self. We'll see what time he wakes up.
Between getting up at night to feed and take care of Emily, waking up at the crack of freakin' dawn with Lucas (try 6 am everyday), and now not getting any naps, I am a basketcase. I can't even think clearly, like I am drunk or something. And I am so stressed out that it takes me a minute or so to relax enough to pee.
Oh and I am off of all things milk again, too, as Emily is allergic like her brother was. No ice cream, no sleep, no life outside of screaming kids and poopy diapers. Life really stinks right now! I cannot wait to get through this season.
Big Foot
Ah ha! I've finally figured out why my feet have been killing me for weeks, maybe even months. I was thinking that it was because I was carrying extra weight around being pregnant. Then I thought that it was because I was wearing bad shoes. Then it dawned on me when seeing that they hurt no matter what shoes I wore that perhaps they had grown as a result of the pregnancy. And that is what happened--they are a full size larger! I can't believe that it took so long to realize this. The constant blisters and pain didn't give it away. I was even considering going to see a podiatrist.
No longer do I have these cute, petite little feet. I have big boats. And 20+ pairs of shoes that no longer fit (only one that does). So I will be wearing my running shoes at all times now for awhile until I can afford some other shoes. Priorities.
No longer do I have these cute, petite little feet. I have big boats. And 20+ pairs of shoes that no longer fit (only one that does). So I will be wearing my running shoes at all times now for awhile until I can afford some other shoes. Priorities.
Sugar and Spice
and all things nice. That's what little girls are made of...but not mine.
Emily's ingredients should read something like this: sweet and sour and all things dour or sticky and pitchy and all things...uh oh. You get the point.
Emily seems mad at the world. I've thought that she might have colic (infant anger problems), but am not quite sure. She certainly has issues sleeping at night. I have already nursed her to sleep twice this evening and she has awakened screaming within minutes both times. I haven't even tried to move her into her bed yet either. Last night, out of desparation for a good night's sleep, she slept with us (if you would call it sleeping). Her grunting and crabbing went on much of the time, she kept pulling my hair and got up every hour or two to eat. I woke up feeling like a truck had hit me and then backed over me and peeled out on my face.
Oh and get this, her social security number was assigned to her yesterday and it has 666 in it. I hope that this is not a sign of things to come.
Emily's ingredients should read something like this: sweet and sour and all things dour or sticky and pitchy and all things...uh oh. You get the point.
Emily seems mad at the world. I've thought that she might have colic (infant anger problems), but am not quite sure. She certainly has issues sleeping at night. I have already nursed her to sleep twice this evening and she has awakened screaming within minutes both times. I haven't even tried to move her into her bed yet either. Last night, out of desparation for a good night's sleep, she slept with us (if you would call it sleeping). Her grunting and crabbing went on much of the time, she kept pulling my hair and got up every hour or two to eat. I woke up feeling like a truck had hit me and then backed over me and peeled out on my face.
Oh and get this, her social security number was assigned to her yesterday and it has 666 in it. I hope that this is not a sign of things to come.
So far so good
I am surviving this motherhood thing alone this week. Two and a half days down and one and a half to go (Mike is off on Friday and we are going on a day trip to Apple Hill for fresh apples and to pick our pumpkin straight from the patch).
The first day little Emily slept much of it. Yesterday she was more fiesty. She has a little anger streak (hates diaper changes and being transfered to her bed from ours) and a more high maintanance personality than I remember her brother having. Too, she has some day/night confusion and is often up for 2-4 hours in the middle of the night--JOY! Last night was much better, though, Praise God! I think that she was pretty quiet and content between feedings with the exception of her loud sleeping. She breathes, sighs, stretches and sometimes even cries out in her sleep. Yet she did start screaming bloody murder as soon as I got into the shower when Mike had just left. I had to abandon my cleanliness and tend to her immediately. What does it take to get a shower around here anymore? I hate stinking!
Off to try to get a nap in while both of them are doing the same.
The first day little Emily slept much of it. Yesterday she was more fiesty. She has a little anger streak (hates diaper changes and being transfered to her bed from ours) and a more high maintanance personality than I remember her brother having. Too, she has some day/night confusion and is often up for 2-4 hours in the middle of the night--JOY! Last night was much better, though, Praise God! I think that she was pretty quiet and content between feedings with the exception of her loud sleeping. She breathes, sighs, stretches and sometimes even cries out in her sleep. Yet she did start screaming bloody murder as soon as I got into the shower when Mike had just left. I had to abandon my cleanliness and tend to her immediately. What does it take to get a shower around here anymore? I hate stinking!
Off to try to get a nap in while both of them are doing the same.
Harsh Reality
Yesterday evening, I went on my first kidless outing since Emily was born. A quick trip to the grocery store and to pick up dinner on the way home.
I was feeling pretty cute and sassy as I walked around the store wearing one of my favorite maternity shirts that had been stretched to the max only a week earlier. It hung somewhat loosely over my now small, post-pregnancy, pot belly. It was nice to look closer to my old self again and not freakishly large.
Next stop, the noodle bowl place for dinner where my pride in my improving looks was quickly popped.
Kind, well meaning, noodle bowl employee: How is the baby?
Me: (thinking that he had heard me mention to another customer that I had just had a baby) Great, doing well.
Employee: How many more months?
Me: (unconsciously grabbing my little pot) Oh, I had the baby last week.
I was feeling pretty cute and sassy as I walked around the store wearing one of my favorite maternity shirts that had been stretched to the max only a week earlier. It hung somewhat loosely over my now small, post-pregnancy, pot belly. It was nice to look closer to my old self again and not freakishly large.
Next stop, the noodle bowl place for dinner where my pride in my improving looks was quickly popped.
Kind, well meaning, noodle bowl employee: How is the baby?
Me: (thinking that he had heard me mention to another customer that I had just had a baby) Great, doing well.
Employee: How many more months?
Me: (unconsciously grabbing my little pot) Oh, I had the baby last week.
We are Family

Michael just updated our family page with the story and photos of Emily's birthday and homecoming. You can see that here.
It's a Girl!!
My newest little one, Emily Faith Lomonaco, made her grand enterance into the world yesterday, September 27th at 9:22 am. My labor was insanely fast (less than 4 hours) and pretty darn easy. I came to the hospital and was unknowingly fully dialated. Sheesh, and I thought that they were going to send me home because my contractions were irregular and slowing down. After I felt the urge to push and did so, she was out after only one contraction (within a few minutes).
I feel great and my beautiful little girl is doing well, too. Big brother, Lucas, loves his new sissy and even kissed her today and Mike is a proud new daddy of a daughter this time. More blogs with pictures to follow...
I feel great and my beautiful little girl is doing well, too. Big brother, Lucas, loves his new sissy and even kissed her today and Mike is a proud new daddy of a daughter this time. More blogs with pictures to follow...
No Baby
I am still very much with child and beginning to think that this will always be the case. Though the little one is not yet overdue, I am a little miffed that it hasn't made it's grand appearance. Being this pregnant SUCKS. I am so darn uncomfortable all of the time now. Oh and I am sick on top of it all. Grrrrrrrr.
Todays drs appointment revealed that I am only slightly dialated and my now bald headed enemy (the doctor that I wanted to kiss for calling me thin a month ago), told me that he wouldn't be surprised if he saw me at my next week's appointment. That is absolutely unacceptable as it is after my October 1 due date. Hmph.
Hurry up little one, mama's going crazy.
Todays drs appointment revealed that I am only slightly dialated and my now bald headed enemy (the doctor that I wanted to kiss for calling me thin a month ago), told me that he wouldn't be surprised if he saw me at my next week's appointment. That is absolutely unacceptable as it is after my October 1 due date. Hmph.
Hurry up little one, mama's going crazy.
Yeah for Aunt Katie!!
She's coming, she's coming. Aunt Katie (my sister) is coming early!
I have been feeling pretty stressed out lately, with all of the upcoming things happening with us in the nearby future. The move is this Saturday and there is still so much to be done (packing, painting, etc.). I have a baby shower on Saturday, too, which means that I can't help much with the move--darn it;-). Our house is on the market and can be shown at anytime, though it is a wreck with all of the packing boxes. And then there is the new little Lomonaco who will be arriving any day now (officially the due date is in 2 and a half weeks).
Katie's plan was to be on a plane to come help out with Lucas as soon as I am in labor (or as soon as she could get a ticket when I called her). A neighbor would watch him until she could get here. That really made me nervous, though. What if the neighbor was out of town (they are planning a trip right around my due date)? What if it took Katie days to get here? What if my labor is only hours long? My first one was pretty quick, so I don't think that I have much time to get to the hospital this time around. The getting Lucas cared for logistics all around stink.
I called Katie yesterday and pleaded with her to come out NOW. And my sweet sister agreed. She'll be here on Friday to help out. We are so excited to have her. What a awesome blessing and weight off my shoulders. I just hope that her new niece or nephew awaits her arrival.
I have been feeling pretty stressed out lately, with all of the upcoming things happening with us in the nearby future. The move is this Saturday and there is still so much to be done (packing, painting, etc.). I have a baby shower on Saturday, too, which means that I can't help much with the move--darn it;-). Our house is on the market and can be shown at anytime, though it is a wreck with all of the packing boxes. And then there is the new little Lomonaco who will be arriving any day now (officially the due date is in 2 and a half weeks).
Katie's plan was to be on a plane to come help out with Lucas as soon as I am in labor (or as soon as she could get a ticket when I called her). A neighbor would watch him until she could get here. That really made me nervous, though. What if the neighbor was out of town (they are planning a trip right around my due date)? What if it took Katie days to get here? What if my labor is only hours long? My first one was pretty quick, so I don't think that I have much time to get to the hospital this time around. The getting Lucas cared for logistics all around stink.
I called Katie yesterday and pleaded with her to come out NOW. And my sweet sister agreed. She'll be here on Friday to help out. We are so excited to have her. What a awesome blessing and weight off my shoulders. I just hope that her new niece or nephew awaits her arrival.
Last night while out to dinner, daddy taught Lucas a fun new game. How to stick food to his face. Lucas loved it but instead of putting the corn on his nose like daddy showed him, he shoved it right up his nostril as far as it would go. I tried to get it out by picking it and only managed to push it up further (duh). We all thought that it was pretty funny for a few moments, tried to get Lucas to blow his nose and dislogde the kernal, but it wasn't working. His smile faded pretty quickly and he started to get annoyed by it after a few minutes, sneezing and rubbing his nostril. "Mama, mama..." he called out as he rubbed his sore nose. What the heck were we going to do? We were in the middle of our dinner at a restaraunt and our kid's nose was all plugged up with corn. Luckily, soon it came loose, hung from his red nostril and Mike was able to push it out. It was a huge kernal! Oi. Hopefully, Lucas learned not to do that again.
Botched Beauty
I've been getting pampered a bit to prepare for the new baby who could be coming any day now. Less than 4 weeks and counting.
Last week, I went in for a 6 month overdue hair cut. The stylist asked if I wanted my long hair layered for a bit more style (translation: you have no style). I told her sure, but informed her that as a mom I rarely have time to do anything with it, even blow it dry. I am lucky to get it washed every day. So, she layered away and kept saying how cute it would look when I took the time to do it. Well, I don't ever have the time(as I told her before she cut it) and now my new layered locks look like crap everyday. Like they been chewed on. And come to think of it, that is accurate. Lucas does love to eat my hair. Hmmmm.
Sunday, I went in for a pedicure. I wanted something to be pretty about me during labor. I also figured that freshly painted toes could be a focal point to take my mind off the excruciating pain or the duration of the pushing. Maybe not. Well the lady didn't cut my claws which were at least a month long until I asked her to trim them a bit. She then proceeded to hack them off entirely too short and now the nubby nails look rather retarded in their bright red, obvious polish.
So glad that I bothered getting beautified. Now I feel like a big troll.
Last week, I went in for a 6 month overdue hair cut. The stylist asked if I wanted my long hair layered for a bit more style (translation: you have no style). I told her sure, but informed her that as a mom I rarely have time to do anything with it, even blow it dry. I am lucky to get it washed every day. So, she layered away and kept saying how cute it would look when I took the time to do it. Well, I don't ever have the time(as I told her before she cut it) and now my new layered locks look like crap everyday. Like they been chewed on. And come to think of it, that is accurate. Lucas does love to eat my hair. Hmmmm.
Sunday, I went in for a pedicure. I wanted something to be pretty about me during labor. I also figured that freshly painted toes could be a focal point to take my mind off the excruciating pain or the duration of the pushing. Maybe not. Well the lady didn't cut my claws which were at least a month long until I asked her to trim them a bit. She then proceeded to hack them off entirely too short and now the nubby nails look rather retarded in their bright red, obvious polish.
So glad that I bothered getting beautified. Now I feel like a big troll.
I have been anything but graceful lately. In the past few days, I broke 2 glasses. And yesterday at church, I fell when attempting to sit down in a prayer group. I completely missed the chair, fell on my butt and rolled back, feet in the air. It must have been a pretty picture. I also tossed the cup of water that I was holding. Good thing it wasn't in a glass or my record would have been 3 shattered glasses for the week. Luckily, too, I was not wearing a dress or that would have made the situation even more awkward. What a klutz!
Is that REAL?

Oh check out Mike's updates of our family site here. There are new photos of the baby in the womb and recent pictures and videos of Lucas.
Sleepless in Sacramento
Well, we have no baby yet. No more contractions either. Just a pregant lady who is far too uncomfortable to sleep at night and a masochistic son who is for some reason refusing to take his daily naps. This is driving the overtired, impatient pregnant mother NUTS. Luckily I have gotten him to sleep by taking him for a drive, but I shouldn't have to be doing that. He normally naps fine (2-3 hours). What the heck is up with this?! Can he sense my desparation for downtime and rest myself?
Coming Together
I am happy to report that we actually started to get ready for baby #2 this weekend. With five weeks to go, I had a wake up call the other night when I thought that I was in labor. I was up for hours having pretty hard contractions--quite scary to be happening so early. So now my hospital bag is packed, I have the baby clothes back (I had loaned them out to a friend), Lucas' big boy bed is purchased so that the baby can have his crib, I registered for a few items that I could use, and we went out to test drive double strollers today. I feel better to have at least started preparing. Nuts how much more laid back you are with subsequent children.
The names are nearly decided upon, too. Emily Faith and Jacob Evan (we are still not for sure on the boy's middle name). Logan, Michael, Cody and Cooper are other possibilities? Any ideas?
Now we just have to move and we will be all set. If only I could muster up enough energy to start packing.
The names are nearly decided upon, too. Emily Faith and Jacob Evan (we are still not for sure on the boy's middle name). Logan, Michael, Cody and Cooper are other possibilities? Any ideas?
Now we just have to move and we will be all set. If only I could muster up enough energy to start packing.
Crappy Anniversary
On Saturday, Michael and I celebrated six wonderful years as husband and wife. Ahhhh wedded bliss...
The original plan was to spend the night at a nice bed & breakfast in downtown Sacramento while our neighbor friends watched our darling son. It was to be one last, much needed, romantic getaway before baby numero duo came.
Well that plan changed with the upcoming house purchase (paying mortgages on two homes at once leaves us beyond flat broke). So, we decided to go out to dinner instead and the same friends were going to sit for Lucas, bless them. And then our sweet son came down with a virus and foiled our date yet again. But we would not be deterred, oh no. “We'll just take him with us” was our brilliant solution. In retrospect, that turned out not to be such a good idea.
Mike and I couldn't even talk to or enjoy each other. We were both running interference the whole time, trying to keep our son under control. First, the angel took the strawberries that I brought for him and smashed them onto the white table linens, staining them. Then we noticed that our talkative boy has not yet learned how to use an inside (quiet/socially acceptable) voice. There had been no real need up until this point. For the bulk of our fine dining experience, Lucas, the charmer, repeatedly proclaimed his apparently new favorite word, “Mmmmmmine!” How bratty does that sound? We were mortified. Michael took him outside to reprimand him twice, which had little to no effect. When our toddler started up again, Mike asked him in a stern voice “Do you want me to take you outside again?” Lucas, who loves to go outside, just nodded vigorously, smiling. Damn, this wasn't working. We wolfed down our meal in frustrated silence between the frequent drone of Lucas' “MMMMMINE.” I think that he enjoyed our reaction to him, our desperation to silence him.
You know you are parents when an early “Check please!” is used not to sneak off and go make out, but to get the hell out of there before your freakin' kid can embarrass and humiliate you any further.
And here is the real kick in the we were preparing to leave, a woman came up and told me in all seriousness that our child was really well-behaved. I wonder what a poorly behaved child looks like to her?
We've become those parents that I hated pre-kids. The ones that take their whining, loud-mouthed kids out and spoil the romantic ambiance of the restaurant. I have more understanding of that now, though. Parents of annoying kids have to get out, too. We'll just try harder to have a sitter (sick or not) next time. Or stick to the less fancy food venues, like Taco Bell.
The honeymoon is definitely over!
At right: Anxious to Bolt--the dark lighting matched our moods, our smiles feigned
The original plan was to spend the night at a nice bed & breakfast in downtown Sacramento while our neighbor friends watched our darling son. It was to be one last, much needed, romantic getaway before baby numero duo came.
Well that plan changed with the upcoming house purchase (paying mortgages on two homes at once leaves us beyond flat broke). So, we decided to go out to dinner instead and the same friends were going to sit for Lucas, bless them. And then our sweet son came down with a virus and foiled our date yet again. But we would not be deterred, oh no. “We'll just take him with us” was our brilliant solution. In retrospect, that turned out not to be such a good idea.
Mike and I couldn't even talk to or enjoy each other. We were both running interference the whole time, trying to keep our son under control. First, the angel took the strawberries that I brought for him and smashed them onto the white table linens, staining them. Then we noticed that our talkative boy has not yet learned how to use an inside (quiet/socially acceptable) voice. There had been no real need up until this point. For the bulk of our fine dining experience, Lucas, the charmer, repeatedly proclaimed his apparently new favorite word, “Mmmmmmine!” How bratty does that sound? We were mortified. Michael took him outside to reprimand him twice, which had little to no effect. When our toddler started up again, Mike asked him in a stern voice “Do you want me to take you outside again?” Lucas, who loves to go outside, just nodded vigorously, smiling. Damn, this wasn't working. We wolfed down our meal in frustrated silence between the frequent drone of Lucas' “MMMMMINE.” I think that he enjoyed our reaction to him, our desperation to silence him.
You know you are parents when an early “Check please!” is used not to sneak off and go make out, but to get the hell out of there before your freakin' kid can embarrass and humiliate you any further.
And here is the real kick in the we were preparing to leave, a woman came up and told me in all seriousness that our child was really well-behaved. I wonder what a poorly behaved child looks like to her?
We've become those parents that I hated pre-kids. The ones that take their whining, loud-mouthed kids out and spoil the romantic ambiance of the restaurant. I have more understanding of that now, though. Parents of annoying kids have to get out, too. We'll just try harder to have a sitter (sick or not) next time. Or stick to the less fancy food venues, like Taco Bell.
The honeymoon is definitely over!

At right: Anxious to Bolt--the dark lighting matched our moods, our smiles feigned
Crazy Cravings
This baby craves root beer floats. I've had to indulge in them quite frequently during this pregnancy. What a bummer. Also, still into tuna and strawberries this time around (not together--ewww!). And granola, too.
I'm still me
I had a pleasant realization the other day while looking in the mirror. "I am still a skinny person under all this fat." It was nice to see that part of me for a change.
The baby doctor confirmed that today when he was getting set to listen to the precious heartbeat. My shirt was pulled up revealing my huge tummy and the baby started moving around, showing off how it looks like an alien trying to get out. He told me that I was pretty thin because you could see the movement so clearly, the parts pressing out of my skin. I wanted to kiss his bald head. Don't worry, Mike, not really.
The baby doctor confirmed that today when he was getting set to listen to the precious heartbeat. My shirt was pulled up revealing my huge tummy and the baby started moving around, showing off how it looks like an alien trying to get out. He told me that I was pretty thin because you could see the movement so clearly, the parts pressing out of my skin. I wanted to kiss his bald head. Don't worry, Mike, not really.
I had quite a heart stopping event happen this morning. Lucas and I were about to leave for a friend's house and I decided to load a few things in the car for the trip. I left the door to the house cracked, but then pulled it shut when Lucas tottered over and opened it wanting to come outside with me. He wasn't wearing his shoes and I didn't feel like keeping him out of off limits garage stuff while I was trying to quickly pack up--not just being a mean mom. When I went to go inside, THE DOOR WAS LOCKED!! It is never locked. I ran around and checked the front door on the off chance that it was open. Nope. I had no key, no phone, and at this point my kid was inside the house screaming his bloody head off. OH CRAP!
Panic stricken, I raced to a neighbors home to use their phone. I reached Mike at work and frantically asked him who had a key to our house. We came up with a few possibilities. I was able to get a hold of the friend who did but she wasn't sure where the key was at first. Luckily she found it and was over within minutes. While we were waiting for her, my neighbor tried to jimmy the lock and then offered to break the door down if I needed him to. It's so scary with a baby inside because he could be doing something dangerous like attempting to climb the stairs or sticking his head in the toilet. His wailing at the door, though hard to hear, let me know just where he was, which sort of helped me feel better. When the key arrived and the lock clicked open, I scooped up my puffy, red faced, plastic sword-wielding baby and held him in my arms tight. And then everything was ok.
Panic stricken, I raced to a neighbors home to use their phone. I reached Mike at work and frantically asked him who had a key to our house. We came up with a few possibilities. I was able to get a hold of the friend who did but she wasn't sure where the key was at first. Luckily she found it and was over within minutes. While we were waiting for her, my neighbor tried to jimmy the lock and then offered to break the door down if I needed him to. It's so scary with a baby inside because he could be doing something dangerous like attempting to climb the stairs or sticking his head in the toilet. His wailing at the door, though hard to hear, let me know just where he was, which sort of helped me feel better. When the key arrived and the lock clicked open, I scooped up my puffy, red faced, plastic sword-wielding baby and held him in my arms tight. And then everything was ok.
Still Growing
It's Happening!
With only nine weeks to go til the new Lomonaco comes, we are planning a move. The dream house purchase has come together and we are now just awaiting our financing. It will probably be ours in the next month or so. Hopefully we can be in and somewhat settled before the baby arrives. Check out the new place here and notice that it says "Sale Pending." Anyone into painting? We sure could use some help!!
Finish This
You know it's going to be a bad day when...
you pee on your hand when collecting your urine sample at the doctors office.
This, sadly, actually happended to me today. And I was just getting cocky at how expert I was at peeing into tiny containers.
What a pisser!
you pee on your hand when collecting your urine sample at the doctors office.
This, sadly, actually happended to me today. And I was just getting cocky at how expert I was at peeing into tiny containers.
What a pisser!
The Waiting Game
We are in a season of waiting right now. 9.5 more weeks to wait for the new little Lomonaco to officially join our family. Actually, this is starting to freak me out. How can I handle a newborn while also taking care of a toddler?! Eeeeeek! And we don't even have Lucas' new big boy furniture or baby clothes ready, etc. etc. This is ok to wait for. Take your time, #2.
Another day or so until we know for sure if the sellers have both accepted our offer on the new place (we had a verbal acceptance but nothing in writting as of yet). I don't like the suspense. I am ready to know what is in store for our life, the future. I feel so in limbo and uncertain of what our upcoming weeks, months will be like. Let us know already!!
Another day or so until we know for sure if the sellers have both accepted our offer on the new place (we had a verbal acceptance but nothing in writting as of yet). I don't like the suspense. I am ready to know what is in store for our life, the future. I feel so in limbo and uncertain of what our upcoming weeks, months will be like. Let us know already!!
Friendship Over?
I've recently made a new friend. Or at least I've met someone who I think could eventually become a good friend. Eun (pronounced Ooon) is a new lady in town, goes to our church with her husband and is a stay at home mom of two young boys (the youngest is Lucas' age). She kind of reminds me of my dear friend Lina from Orlando, whom I miss greatly. Anyway, I was talking to Eun on the phone this afternoon planning our first playdate when her oldest son started having a scream fest meltdown. She had to quickly go and I said, "Goodbye Loon" instead of Eun. Total accident, slip of the tongue. I hope that this friendship isn't over before it starts. We'll see if she shows up on Friday or not.
From the Mouth of Babes
I've been humored by comments from out-spoken children about my growing middle.
Sassy, 4-year-old: Why is your stomach so fa...(pausing to think of a nicer word) big?
11-year-old neighbor boy in disbelief: You're pregnant AGAIN?!
Wide eyed, 7-year-old girl in my VBS group: Do you have a balloon under your shirt?
Sassy, 4-year-old: Why is your stomach so fa...(pausing to think of a nicer word) big?
11-year-old neighbor boy in disbelief: You're pregnant AGAIN?!
Wide eyed, 7-year-old girl in my VBS group: Do you have a balloon under your shirt?
Sabbath Rest
I think that as a Christian, I am definitely more on the liberal side of my Bible understanding and interpretations, in that I don't consider myself a "legalistic" person when it comes to my faith and beliefs. My understanding is that when Christ came to earth and died on the cross, he did away with the old law and brought about the new covenant.
What exactly does this mean or look like? Are the 10 Commandments now null and void? I know that Jesus reinforced some, but not all of them in the New Testament. The one that I am specifically interested in is "Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy." Any thoughts on what this day should look like? Is it ok to go to the mall or do housework on this day of rest? As a mom, I can never really stop working or doing my normal job on this day. I also believe that it is God's best for us to take a day off, but is this a requirement?
What exactly does this mean or look like? Are the 10 Commandments now null and void? I know that Jesus reinforced some, but not all of them in the New Testament. The one that I am specifically interested in is "Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy." Any thoughts on what this day should look like? Is it ok to go to the mall or do housework on this day of rest? As a mom, I can never really stop working or doing my normal job on this day. I also believe that it is God's best for us to take a day off, but is this a requirement?
I am home. Everything went fine while I was away. My trip was nice, but I was super glad to be back in swealtering Sacramento. Actually it was much cooler at home than back east, but by the weekend it heated up to the 100's again. It's hard to be hugely pregnant here in the summer. I almost passed out while blackberry picking today. We've got to better plan the next pregnancy around the cooler seasons;-).
The dream house is getting closer to becoming a reality. The seller dropped the price by $50,000 and we pounced on it this week. We had to. It is just 50K more than what we think that we can get for our house and is double the size. Our current one will be pretty small with the new baby. He accepted our offer and now we just have to get the financing figured out (it will involve owning both homes at once while trying to sell our current one). Pretty scary yet exciting. We are praying that we won't do anything that we absolutely can't afford and that the crazy financing will actually work out. And I am trying to do this potential move/house on the market thing at 28 weeks pregnant (12 more to go til the new little Lomonaco joins us) while also taking care of an active toddler. I can't wait to get through this and hopefully live to tell about it.
The dream house is getting closer to becoming a reality. The seller dropped the price by $50,000 and we pounced on it this week. We had to. It is just 50K more than what we think that we can get for our house and is double the size. Our current one will be pretty small with the new baby. He accepted our offer and now we just have to get the financing figured out (it will involve owning both homes at once while trying to sell our current one). Pretty scary yet exciting. We are praying that we won't do anything that we absolutely can't afford and that the crazy financing will actually work out. And I am trying to do this potential move/house on the market thing at 28 weeks pregnant (12 more to go til the new little Lomonaco joins us) while also taking care of an active toddler. I can't wait to get through this and hopefully live to tell about it.
Leaving on a Jet Plane
Tomorrow morning I leave my baby for the first time in his whole life (almost 16 months of never being away from him for more than several hours). I am going alone to North Carolina for the weekend to see my college best friend, Andrea, finally tie the knot. And leaving Mike to take care of the kiddo and get to see what my life is like for a few days. Maybe both of them will love and appreciate me more when I return.
I am going to be a bawling wreck saying goodbye. Please pray for our safety and time apart. I keep having nightmares about something terrible happening while I am away.
I am going to be a bawling wreck saying goodbye. Please pray for our safety and time apart. I keep having nightmares about something terrible happening while I am away.
Heartburn Haiku
Sleeping just an hour,
Awakened by the burning,
Tossed all my cookies.
That was the story of the rest of my birthday night after a wonderful dinner date out with Mike yesterday. I was up for much of the night unsuccessfully popping my fickle new best friend, Tums.
**Side Note: I got a C on a poem (not this one;-) in my high school English class. Can you believe it? That really ticked me off because things like poetry and art are so subjective. 12+ years later and I am still not over it.**
Awakened by the burning,
Tossed all my cookies.
That was the story of the rest of my birthday night after a wonderful dinner date out with Mike yesterday. I was up for much of the night unsuccessfully popping my fickle new best friend, Tums.
**Side Note: I got a C on a poem (not this one;-) in my high school English class. Can you believe it? That really ticked me off because things like poetry and art are so subjective. 12+ years later and I am still not over it.**
Older and Wider
Here is a picture of me living large on my 30th birthday yesterday. I am 26 going on 27 weeks pregnant now. And I was asked this week if I am due any day now or if I am having twins. When I told the first ignoranamous that I still had three months to go, he said, "Oh, you must be having a really big baby." Whatever. I take it all in stride because I know I am quite a sexy mama, if I do say so myself. Or at least that is what I keep telling myself.

You are an Amazing Daddy!

Happy Father's Day, Mike (a little belated)!! Our son is truly blessed to have an "ada" who is so fun and such a great example of a man and father for him.
Thank you for being all to him that I am not--the rough houser, the playful one when I am burnt out in the evening, the giver of junk food and toys when mama wants him to eat his wheat bread.
I couldn't imagine doing this alone. You are so integral to our family, our son.
Lucas and I really love and appreciate you.
Play Dates are Dangerous
Take a few weeks ago for example, when my son found a real saw complete with sharp, knarled teeth on the floor when we played with a neighbor friend's little girl. He walked over to me holding it. I just about messed my pants. Turns out my friend's husband had been working on a construction project over the weekend and since her little one isn't walking yet, she didn't even think about the fact that tools were lying around. I am so glad that Lucas didn't fall on it or something.
We tried another friend's house today, one with no construction to be safe, but it still didn't matter. When I ran out to the car to get his booster seat for lunch, I left Lucas standing at their front screen crying for me. I was gone a few seconds. As I opened the screen, Lucas fell out. What the heck? The little 2 year old boy that we were visiting had shut the door on the other side of him, trapping Lucas between the shut door and the screen. Maybe it is a good thing that Lucas is such a skinny boy afterall. I felt like a crappy mom for letting that happen to my son. I know it is really not my fault, but if I had just taken him it wouldn't have happened. Luckily he was fine as soon as I comforted him. Later on, when Lucas pooped on their floor, I didn't feel so bad;-).
In both cases, Lucas could have been seriously hurt. We are staying home for a while!! It's a crazy world we live in when your one year old can get killed on a play date.
We tried another friend's house today, one with no construction to be safe, but it still didn't matter. When I ran out to the car to get his booster seat for lunch, I left Lucas standing at their front screen crying for me. I was gone a few seconds. As I opened the screen, Lucas fell out. What the heck? The little 2 year old boy that we were visiting had shut the door on the other side of him, trapping Lucas between the shut door and the screen. Maybe it is a good thing that Lucas is such a skinny boy afterall. I felt like a crappy mom for letting that happen to my son. I know it is really not my fault, but if I had just taken him it wouldn't have happened. Luckily he was fine as soon as I comforted him. Later on, when Lucas pooped on their floor, I didn't feel so bad;-).
In both cases, Lucas could have been seriously hurt. We are staying home for a while!! It's a crazy world we live in when your one year old can get killed on a play date.
Dumb Doctors
Yesterday we saw Lucas' allergist for the test results to the recent bloodwork he had done. It turns out that the only thing that came back seeming to be a food allergy at this point is egg whites. Milk and nuts are ok for him to have. We came home and celebrated with a normal kid meal of PB&J for lunch and he liked it!
I was pretty happy with the visit and the good news that we received. My kid can finally eat most anything. It's been a long road. And then the doctor looked at his weight chart and burst my bubble. Lucas is off the charts skinny weightwise--far below average. I know this. I've been dealing with this issue for most of his life. We've gone to the doctor monthly for weight checks, seen a GI specialist, gone to a nutritionist. I feed him well and try to give him tons of fatty things. My kid is just small. I've come to accept this as normal for him. There is nothing else that I can do aside from injecting Crisco into his veins.
She called him a case of "Failure to Thrive." Isn't that a great thing to say to a worry-wart, easily pissed off, pregnant mom? My first instinct was to cry and then pop her one in the mouth. Bite me, Dr. Downer!
I was pretty happy with the visit and the good news that we received. My kid can finally eat most anything. It's been a long road. And then the doctor looked at his weight chart and burst my bubble. Lucas is off the charts skinny weightwise--far below average. I know this. I've been dealing with this issue for most of his life. We've gone to the doctor monthly for weight checks, seen a GI specialist, gone to a nutritionist. I feed him well and try to give him tons of fatty things. My kid is just small. I've come to accept this as normal for him. There is nothing else that I can do aside from injecting Crisco into his veins.
She called him a case of "Failure to Thrive." Isn't that a great thing to say to a worry-wart, easily pissed off, pregnant mom? My first instinct was to cry and then pop her one in the mouth. Bite me, Dr. Downer!

A man at church came up to me a couple weeks ago and asked if I was due really soon. "Actually, I am just halfway there," was my rather embarrassed reply. "Wow, how much bigger will you get?!" he exclaimed amusedly. I was not humored.
Why is it that some people feel at liberty to say anything that they think to a pregnant woman about her size? Don't they realize that a pregnant woman has enough of a complex about her expanding body on her own without any unsolicited rude comments. Keep your big fat trap shut or one might get ticked off and sit on you!
Life Snipets
I can feel the baby moving now. Actually, I have been for over a month. Yesterday I noticed that I could see the kicking by looking down at my huge basketball belly. Must take and post new photos for you to gasp and laugh at.
Mike is on an Ultimate Frisbee team and they actually won last night. I think that there record is 2 and 4 (or worse). He wore his new cleats home and I thought that he looked cute, like a soccer player. Did you know that there is actually strategy in the game? I always thought that it was just about running as fast as you can and trying to score. They played against a team recently that was calling out plays..."H1, H1....L23" What is that?! So hardcore.
Tomorrow Lucas will be 15 months old (only 4 months until his new little sibling joins him-Eeeek!). He still is under 20 pounds and is in the below 1 percentile in weight class. Because of that, his car seat continues to face backwards, much to our dismay. Yesterday I started a list of all of his words and calculated that he speaks over 50 of them, his favorites being doggie, dada, truck, which is "uck," and uh oh. He also says "ass" now, which is his way of saying grass. I tried to have him call our new lawn "big grass" or "fat grass," but he wasn't interested. He can also drink real milk now. Yippee!
We are again pondering the other house which is still on the market, since February 1 actually. Today Mike is calling a mortgage broker to see if we can swing it and we will go from there.
Life is good.
Mike is on an Ultimate Frisbee team and they actually won last night. I think that there record is 2 and 4 (or worse). He wore his new cleats home and I thought that he looked cute, like a soccer player. Did you know that there is actually strategy in the game? I always thought that it was just about running as fast as you can and trying to score. They played against a team recently that was calling out plays..."H1, H1....L23" What is that?! So hardcore.
Tomorrow Lucas will be 15 months old (only 4 months until his new little sibling joins him-Eeeek!). He still is under 20 pounds and is in the below 1 percentile in weight class. Because of that, his car seat continues to face backwards, much to our dismay. Yesterday I started a list of all of his words and calculated that he speaks over 50 of them, his favorites being doggie, dada, truck, which is "uck," and uh oh. He also says "ass" now, which is his way of saying grass. I tried to have him call our new lawn "big grass" or "fat grass," but he wasn't interested. He can also drink real milk now. Yippee!
We are again pondering the other house which is still on the market, since February 1 actually. Today Mike is calling a mortgage broker to see if we can swing it and we will go from there.
Life is good.
Uh Oh
This is Lucas' word of the day almost everyday lately. I hear it constantly. He drops things, he falls down, he spills on himself and sometimes he says it pre-emptively before he intentionally flings something to the ground.
The other day I left him in his room for a few minutes while I ran downstairs to get us drinks. I came up, heard "Uh Oh" and found him standing on a kid's chair in his room. I had no idea that he could climb!! Uh Oh is right. Needless to say, the chair has been moved to a safer place in his closet.
In that short span of time while I was downstairs, he had also dragged or carried the bathroom scale into his room.
This kid is trouble.
The other day I left him in his room for a few minutes while I ran downstairs to get us drinks. I came up, heard "Uh Oh" and found him standing on a kid's chair in his room. I had no idea that he could climb!! Uh Oh is right. Needless to say, the chair has been moved to a safer place in his closet.
In that short span of time while I was downstairs, he had also dragged or carried the bathroom scale into his room.
This kid is trouble.
Mom of the Year
Just when I think that I can qualify for this honor, I have a day like yesterday.
It seems like I am always mentioning Lucas' sleeping issues, i.e. waking up too early, not napping properly/normally. I think that teething often effects him, and at his age he always seems to be teething. Why children aren't born with teeth is beyond me. Ok, so maybe they would bite their mothers when nursing, but still.
His naps have been sporatic lately, in fact Sunday he wouldn't go down at all. And his new evil wake up time in the morning is sometime during the 5 o'clock hour. It's pretty crappy and I feel tired most of the time.
Anyhoo, he wouldn't take his morning nap yesterday. So I eventually got him up and we headed to the park for a meeting that I had. He fell asleep in the car. I let him snooze as I met with my friend to discuss the church picnic. I am in charge of the games--fun. The stinky thing is, though I could see the car and wasn't too far away, I wouldn't have been able to hear him if he woke up and started crying. The lawn was being mown as we met making it impossible to hear. Luckily, when I left a half an hour later, he was still peacefully napping. I had to finally wake him when we got home.
In the afternoon, I figured that he would take his nap for sure as his morning one had been interrupted and maybe lighter than usual as it was in a car seat. Maybe he would have, but mommy accidentally sabatoged his slumber by putting the lid on his sippy cup wrong. After an hour of him talking and whinning in his crib, he eventually started to cry. When I went in to retrieve my little insomniac, he pointed furiously to the mattress which was soaking wet and ice cold. His cup that I give him in his crib which was full of ice water was nearly empty. His outfit was soaked through and his feet were little ice cubes from standing in the puddle. My poor kid. How long had he suffered in that? Did he actually try to lay down and sleep? I felt awful.
Later on in the day, he was playing in the family room as I cleaned the kitchen and he started crying hysterically. Did he hit his head or fall down, I thought. I ran out only to find him halfway up our stairs, a fall that could seriously hurt him or worse. I think that he had gotten scared or was tired of climbing and didn't know how to get back down. I must use the gate!!
Mother of the Year I am not.
It seems like I am always mentioning Lucas' sleeping issues, i.e. waking up too early, not napping properly/normally. I think that teething often effects him, and at his age he always seems to be teething. Why children aren't born with teeth is beyond me. Ok, so maybe they would bite their mothers when nursing, but still.
His naps have been sporatic lately, in fact Sunday he wouldn't go down at all. And his new evil wake up time in the morning is sometime during the 5 o'clock hour. It's pretty crappy and I feel tired most of the time.
Anyhoo, he wouldn't take his morning nap yesterday. So I eventually got him up and we headed to the park for a meeting that I had. He fell asleep in the car. I let him snooze as I met with my friend to discuss the church picnic. I am in charge of the games--fun. The stinky thing is, though I could see the car and wasn't too far away, I wouldn't have been able to hear him if he woke up and started crying. The lawn was being mown as we met making it impossible to hear. Luckily, when I left a half an hour later, he was still peacefully napping. I had to finally wake him when we got home.
In the afternoon, I figured that he would take his nap for sure as his morning one had been interrupted and maybe lighter than usual as it was in a car seat. Maybe he would have, but mommy accidentally sabatoged his slumber by putting the lid on his sippy cup wrong. After an hour of him talking and whinning in his crib, he eventually started to cry. When I went in to retrieve my little insomniac, he pointed furiously to the mattress which was soaking wet and ice cold. His cup that I give him in his crib which was full of ice water was nearly empty. His outfit was soaked through and his feet were little ice cubes from standing in the puddle. My poor kid. How long had he suffered in that? Did he actually try to lay down and sleep? I felt awful.
Later on in the day, he was playing in the family room as I cleaned the kitchen and he started crying hysterically. Did he hit his head or fall down, I thought. I ran out only to find him halfway up our stairs, a fall that could seriously hurt him or worse. I think that he had gotten scared or was tired of climbing and didn't know how to get back down. I must use the gate!!
Mother of the Year I am not.
On Aging
The countdown to 30 is on...only 6 and a half weeks to go. I honestly don't mind turning the big 3-0 now that it is looming on the immediate horizon. I am happy with where I am in life at this point--I had a successful career, married the man of my dreams, and have 1.5 kids. Life is good.
But then I got an invitation to join AARP today. It says that I am "fully qualified" for membership. AARP stands for American Association for Retired Persons or something of the like. Their site claims that: Anyone 50 or over can get all the great benefits of membership in AARP for only $12.50 a year. And membership includes your spouse or partner, free! Well sign me up. What is up with that? How did they get my name? Did some old person steal my identity or something?
But then I got an invitation to join AARP today. It says that I am "fully qualified" for membership. AARP stands for American Association for Retired Persons or something of the like. Their site claims that: Anyone 50 or over can get all the great benefits of membership in AARP for only $12.50 a year. And membership includes your spouse or partner, free! Well sign me up. What is up with that? How did they get my name? Did some old person steal my identity or something?
Happy Birthday, Mom C.
Our perfect family day, was on my mom's birthday. I wish that we could have all been together to celebrate her.
This photo of Lucas and I in front of the rasta orangutang (he actually had dreadlocks), reminded me of my mom. No, my mom is not a rastafarian or a monkey. Her dad was. We always joked when I was a kid that my grandpa was a monkey. She taught us to say grandpa whenever the gorilla photo came up in our Fisher Price camera. I am sure that my grandpa, always teasing us, really appreciated that.
Happy Birthday, Mom. I had some cake for you. Notice any family resemblance in the photo?

Happy Birthday, Mom. I had some cake for you. Notice any family resemblance in the photo?
Perfect Day
What an awesome day we had today! After five days of being very sick and homebound, we journeyed out for a day of fun.
First stop, the zoo. Where Lucas called all of the animals including the giraffe, "doggie."

Here is Lucas riding on his daddy's shoulders. I love his new summer hat!!

And after zooing it up, we lunched (mmmmmm, Swedish meatballs;-) and shopped at our new area IKEA store. This was a three hour excursion alone.
Then we finished off our evening with a trip to the park for some basketball practice and swinging for Lucas.
He had NO problem falling asleep tonight. And I don't think that I will either.
First stop, the zoo. Where Lucas called all of the animals including the giraffe, "doggie."

Here is Lucas riding on his daddy's shoulders. I love his new summer hat!!

And after zooing it up, we lunched (mmmmmm, Swedish meatballs;-) and shopped at our new area IKEA store. This was a three hour excursion alone.
Then we finished off our evening with a trip to the park for some basketball practice and swinging for Lucas.
He had NO problem falling asleep tonight. And I don't think that I will either.
Sick and Tired
Stomach flu bites. I have had it since Tuesday. Lucas has also had it part of the time. I think that I finally see the end in sight for both of us. I thought that yesterday, too, until I had my first real solid food of heavenly Taco Bell for Cinco de Mayo. I was up sick all night. Luckily I felt ok taking care of him by myself all day today while Mike was out of town.
I am just so sick of getting sick all the time. I should probably get used to it as a mom. Kids are often ill.
I just hope that the noodle bowl will stay down tonight. And that I can eat normally starting tomorrow. If I ever eat another saltine again, I am going to vomit.
I am just so sick of getting sick all the time. I should probably get used to it as a mom. Kids are often ill.
I just hope that the noodle bowl will stay down tonight. And that I can eat normally starting tomorrow. If I ever eat another saltine again, I am going to vomit.
Well, after meeting with a realtor and starting to prep our house for sale by cleaning and weeding and painting and such, we have decided not to go through with it afterall. We are not moving now and luckily hadn't even put the sign up yet.
Yesterday, I went to see the house that we wanted again to show it to my sister. The seller had recently received an offer that he had accepted and had sent it to his ex wife for her approval. So we had to put something in right away if we even wanted a chance at it. In crunching the numbers again to see what we could afford, we realized that we had left out taxes and homeowners insurance ($5000 or so per year). This made the house a bit out of our already tight budget.
I was very disappointed, but now feel relief. Moving is SUCH a hassle and so much work, and that is when you are not pregnant and taking care of a active toddler. I have been losing sleep at night stressing and thinking about it, what color to paint the new rooms, etc. And last night, my sleep was sweet and deep. Now we are going to make improvements to our home. I am happy now that it worked out this way.
Yesterday, I went to see the house that we wanted again to show it to my sister. The seller had recently received an offer that he had accepted and had sent it to his ex wife for her approval. So we had to put something in right away if we even wanted a chance at it. In crunching the numbers again to see what we could afford, we realized that we had left out taxes and homeowners insurance ($5000 or so per year). This made the house a bit out of our already tight budget.
I was very disappointed, but now feel relief. Moving is SUCH a hassle and so much work, and that is when you are not pregnant and taking care of a active toddler. I have been losing sleep at night stressing and thinking about it, what color to paint the new rooms, etc. And last night, my sleep was sweet and deep. Now we are going to make improvements to our home. I am happy now that it worked out this way.
For Sale

Here's a photo of the maybe too good to be true dream house. It seems to still be for sale.
We are now planning to put our house on the market in the upcoming days. This is a step toward buying the dream. It will be difficult with a baby to clean ours up for showings and open houses and to keep it that way until it sells (if it sells). We shall see what God has in store for us. Perhaps we will stay here in our place long term, but we will at least make steps in the direction of the much larger place to see if it works out. It's pretty exciting!
A Levis Ad
Our dream house (a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, with a gigantic bonus room) is for sale in the neighborhood next to ours. It is being sold due to divorce and maybe because of this is going for about $100K less than it is worth. Not too much more than what we could sell ours for. Quite an awesome deal and would be actually somewhat doable for us IF we could sell one of the Florida houses that is currently on the market and our house (which is not yet market ready with a yard full of patchy, weedy grass). Anyone want a nice starter with a large, but dead lawn in Roseville?
The dream house seller thinks that he will sell it quickly with such a great price. We are half hoping that it takes some time, though, and we might be in a better position to consider buying it.
Last night, we brainstormed ideas to keep his house from selling to anyone but us. Our brilliant plans included: posing as the seller and removing the ad from the paper and web, removing and hiding the for sale sign (daily, if necessary), signing up the neighbors on the child molesters database, putting crime tape around the yard and painting the outlines of bodies in the driveway, hiring hoodlums to hang out at the end of the street, posing myself as a pregnant hooker on the corner, and acting out drug deals on the block.
I'll let you know if it works.
The dream house seller thinks that he will sell it quickly with such a great price. We are half hoping that it takes some time, though, and we might be in a better position to consider buying it.
Last night, we brainstormed ideas to keep his house from selling to anyone but us. Our brilliant plans included: posing as the seller and removing the ad from the paper and web, removing and hiding the for sale sign (daily, if necessary), signing up the neighbors on the child molesters database, putting crime tape around the yard and painting the outlines of bodies in the driveway, hiring hoodlums to hang out at the end of the street, posing myself as a pregnant hooker on the corner, and acting out drug deals on the block.
I'll let you know if it works.
Gave in

Look at me, I am no Sandra Dee. This is me at 13 or 14 weeks pregant (who can keep track). This was a couple of weeks ago. I am much larger now and finally gave my body over to the maternity clothes. They do feel good but I look like a frump. I guess that is better than looking like I needed a shoe horn to stuff myself into my normal clothes.
Mind Malfunction

I made a big oops while making our annual Easter bread this year. It was my first time preparing it solo. I've always done it with Mike's mom and sister in the past. But I was determined to keep the tradition alive and go it alone this time (as they are back in Florida).
Let me just start out by saying that all in all it is a grueling 6-7 hour process. It's a yeast bread and needs to rise 3 times before you finally bake it. I was at about the 5 hour mark and thought that it was nearing the time to put it in the oven. So I preheated it to 325 degrees. Ignoring the funny smell that filled my kitchen, I worked to clean up and get Lucas to bed. When I came back to put the dough on the baking pan and stick it in, I couldn't find it where I had left it to rise.
Oh crap, I opened the heated oven in horror to find the plastic bowl holding the dough completely melted down. The starting to bake dough sat helpless and sickly in the melted mess. RUINED was my first thought, just suck it up throw it away. So frustrating that I had wasted a whole day and all of those ingredients. Not to mention the fact that Mike would be so disappointed. I was crushed. What an idiotic thing to do.
In the end, I just went about preparing it as usual(the dough looked and smelled normal besides the bit that baked, which I tossed). It didn't seem to have melted plastic in it. Funny thing is this years Easter bread turned out to be the best darn loaf of the stuff ever. I've got to screw up like that more often.
I know that this is something that I struggle with. Perhaps it is my biggest fault. I am embarrassed when my child misbehaves in front of visitors, such as not sleeping as well as he normally does and screaming in the middle of the night instead. I don't take advice or correction well, especially when I feel it is unwarrented or unsolicited. And I don't like what my normally petite body morphs into when I am pregnant. In the end, with Lucas I was as big as a bus. No joke. See for yourself HERE.
At 16 weeks pregnant, I am not ready to wear maternity clothes yet. Though, I am bigger than I was at this time with Lucas and was proudly wearing them by then. I was loving the extra room and extreme comfort. And they were new clothes to me. Now they are old, well worn and not appealing to me at all.
So I continue to squeeze into my normal clothes, often choosing the elastic pants options. My shirts are slowly creeping up the belly, buttons are pulled to the max, and some pants won't even button or zip and are definitey getting too tight. But I am determined not to go there yet. I hope that I don't look like one of those people who you see out and think, "She should NOT be wearing THAT!"
Damn pride.
At 16 weeks pregnant, I am not ready to wear maternity clothes yet. Though, I am bigger than I was at this time with Lucas and was proudly wearing them by then. I was loving the extra room and extreme comfort. And they were new clothes to me. Now they are old, well worn and not appealing to me at all.
So I continue to squeeze into my normal clothes, often choosing the elastic pants options. My shirts are slowly creeping up the belly, buttons are pulled to the max, and some pants won't even button or zip and are definitey getting too tight. But I am determined not to go there yet. I hope that I don't look like one of those people who you see out and think, "She should NOT be wearing THAT!"
Damn pride.
This is Lucas' new way to sleep or avoid it. He yells, shrieks and throws an all around tantrum in bed lately. Standing the whole time. Even periodically when he wakes up at night. Last night, the blood curdling wailing went on for an hour or so til we drugged him with Tylanol.
IT IS DRIVING ME NUTS!! I freakin' need my sleep and have been cranky, exhausted and miserable for days.
He has always been a really good sleeper. I am not sure what the cause of this new problem is. There are several things that could be contributors: he is cutting four teeth (and two of them are molars), my family just visited and he got out of his routine for about a week, he is trying to give up a nap. Whatever it is, I just want it to stop. I feel like my kid is broken or something.
He has not slept today at all. A couple weeks ago, he was napping for about 3 hours per day. I need that time off for my sanity.
Did I mention that this is driving me crazy?
IT IS DRIVING ME NUTS!! I freakin' need my sleep and have been cranky, exhausted and miserable for days.
He has always been a really good sleeper. I am not sure what the cause of this new problem is. There are several things that could be contributors: he is cutting four teeth (and two of them are molars), my family just visited and he got out of his routine for about a week, he is trying to give up a nap. Whatever it is, I just want it to stop. I feel like my kid is broken or something.
He has not slept today at all. A couple weeks ago, he was napping for about 3 hours per day. I need that time off for my sanity.
Did I mention that this is driving me crazy?
Dead Bird
In fact, we have found THREE of them in our yard in the past month. 3 dead birds!
What is this?! The bird flu? Some kind of toxic waste that we don't know about? Or could it be the neighbor boys with BB guns that have been known to fire into our yard? Coincidence? I don't think so. Maybe they will shoot their eye out.
What is this?! The bird flu? Some kind of toxic waste that we don't know about? Or could it be the neighbor boys with BB guns that have been known to fire into our yard? Coincidence? I don't think so. Maybe they will shoot their eye out.
A Real Runner
Yesterday, Mike took Lucas to an airshow and gave me the entire afternoon off to enjoy on my own. So blissful and needed.
It was gorgeous out and I decided to go for a run. I dressed the part in my old running shorts and t-shirt, double layer socks, pedometer, favorite Mizuno Legends and shoe pocket. I even carried my special, handled waterbottle. I felt pretty cool and maybe even a little hardcore. Like my old self again. Even if for just a moment. That was until I turned the corner out of my cul-de-sac and twisted my ankle. I ran through the pain which quickly subsided.
I went for a three miler loving every minute of it. The sound of my feet hitting the pavement, the rhythmic breathing, the sweat, the air on my body that hadn't seen the light of day for months. I even felt the air on my feet as it passed through my mesh shoes. I must have been going fast. Maybe not.
I missed running. It had been about a month and a half since I had (since I've been so wasted tired in my early pregnancy) and 5 months since I had gone without pushing Lucas in the jogger.
It was gorgeous out and I decided to go for a run. I dressed the part in my old running shorts and t-shirt, double layer socks, pedometer, favorite Mizuno Legends and shoe pocket. I even carried my special, handled waterbottle. I felt pretty cool and maybe even a little hardcore. Like my old self again. Even if for just a moment. That was until I turned the corner out of my cul-de-sac and twisted my ankle. I ran through the pain which quickly subsided.
I went for a three miler loving every minute of it. The sound of my feet hitting the pavement, the rhythmic breathing, the sweat, the air on my body that hadn't seen the light of day for months. I even felt the air on my feet as it passed through my mesh shoes. I must have been going fast. Maybe not.
I missed running. It had been about a month and a half since I had (since I've been so wasted tired in my early pregnancy) and 5 months since I had gone without pushing Lucas in the jogger.
Weight Expectations
Lucas has started climbing onto the scale and looking down expectantly to see his weight pop up. I guess that he has seem me do it regularly his whole life and now he's obsessed with each pound, too. He is a great imitator now with words and actions. No more swearing and obscene gestures, I guess.
Face Plant
This morning, I was trotting down the stairs with Lucas in my arms and somehow missed the last step or two. I was miraculously able to protect him in my arms as I fell to the floor, landing on my foot in a very uncomfortable way. Luckily I didn't break it, though it smarted the rest of the day and hurts when I bend it a certain way.
Later in the afternoon at the park, Lucas followed his mama's example by face planting in the dirt. I picked him up quickly and saw him spitting out sand. And my boy didn't even cry. What a tough little guy.
At first, I was mortified that he had gotten the filth in his mouth and then I remembered the expression, "God made dirt, so dirt won't hurt." And I felt better.
Later in the afternoon at the park, Lucas followed his mama's example by face planting in the dirt. I picked him up quickly and saw him spitting out sand. And my boy didn't even cry. What a tough little guy.
At first, I was mortified that he had gotten the filth in his mouth and then I remembered the expression, "God made dirt, so dirt won't hurt." And I felt better.
A year later. Our lives are richer. We get less sleep. We laugh and smile more. We've changed a million or so diapers. He's grown so much. We didn't realize we had so much love to give. A year later and I can't believe that it has only been one year. We are forever changed.
Happy 1st Birthday, my son! I love you.
Happy 1st Birthday, my son! I love you.
Outgrown Mom Mobile
Now that we are expecting #2 it seems that we may need a new vehicle. My Escape will only hold one more passenger (and that might be a squeeze) with two car seats. Typically, this would not be a problem as it's not often that we drive with people. But on rare occassions when say my parents come to visit, we would alway have to drive separate (and they might have to rent a car). What a pain. We are considering the Ford Freestyle with seating capacity for 6. I most certainly DO NOT want a minivan or a large SUV. Any other possibilities?
And to think that not too long ago, I was all cute and sassy in a little red convertable Miata. Now I am trying to avoid the Caravan possibility. Never will I be so "Soccer Mom!"
And to think that not too long ago, I was all cute and sassy in a little red convertable Miata. Now I am trying to avoid the Caravan possibility. Never will I be so "Soccer Mom!"
Party Pooper Part III
Well my Pampered Chef party is next Tuesday. I am starting to think that it is going to be very poorly attended as I have had less than a handful of RSVP's. And I was only able to invite a little more than half of the recommended number of guests. I just don't know 40 people here well enough to ask. I wish that I hadn't planned on doing this. Just for a cotton picking knife that costs $25. Maybe it's not to late to, pardon the pun, cut and run.
If anyone could use any Pampered Chef products, you can order them at: and use my full name as the party host and I will get the credit. No pressure. Only if you feel sorry for me and need anything;-).
The very perky rep called me to see how it is going and told me how excited that she was about my party. I only wish that I could share her enthusiasm. Ugh, I'm a party failure.
If anyone could use any Pampered Chef products, you can order them at: and use my full name as the party host and I will get the credit. No pressure. Only if you feel sorry for me and need anything;-).
The very perky rep called me to see how it is going and told me how excited that she was about my party. I only wish that I could share her enthusiasm. Ugh, I'm a party failure.
What skill
Lucas is officially a walker now. It is his primary mode of transportation. Check him out:
Flu shot
So it seems that Mike has the flu. We need prayer fast. I don't know how we will be able to take care of Lucas if we both have it. And I can't imagine what it would do to Lucas' weight if he got it. Plus, it can be very bad for me to get it as it could greatly harm the new baby. Maybe I should have gotten that recommended shot. Is it too late to get it if I don't seem to have it yet? Please pray for us!
Today Mike and I both feel like garbage--Mike has a fever and was up most of the night. I feel like I am starting to come down with it, or at least don't feel great on top of the cold that I was already recovering from and being pregnant and run down any way. Lucas isn't napping for some reason. He's up and peppy, much to our dismay.
In two weeks Lucas will be one year old. He now weighs 17 pounds and is in the 0.8 percentile for weight. We saw a nutritionist today and I learned that I need to start giving him more snacks to eat (2-3 per day on top of 3 meals). We stopped and got fatty things on the way home, too, like breakfast sausage and bacon. It's been a very frustrating process, all the trips to the doctor, all of the seeming reactions from certain foods, all of the weight appointments where he reads low yet again. I hope that the bacon and sausage do the trick.
In two weeks Lucas will be one year old. He now weighs 17 pounds and is in the 0.8 percentile for weight. We saw a nutritionist today and I learned that I need to start giving him more snacks to eat (2-3 per day on top of 3 meals). We stopped and got fatty things on the way home, too, like breakfast sausage and bacon. It's been a very frustrating process, all the trips to the doctor, all of the seeming reactions from certain foods, all of the weight appointments where he reads low yet again. I hope that the bacon and sausage do the trick.
Lucas has a new fascination with eyes. He has been jabbing his fingers into mine lately which is somewhat cute and a little annoying, too.
On Sunday, though, he did something that could have been very dangerous (what is with this kid and walking on the wild side?!). He poked a dog, a very large dog, in the eye. Just stuck his finger right in. The dog could have bit his hand off or worse. It hardly flinched and didn't even growl. Oh, my son.
On Sunday, though, he did something that could have been very dangerous (what is with this kid and walking on the wild side?!). He poked a dog, a very large dog, in the eye. Just stuck his finger right in. The dog could have bit his hand off or worse. It hardly flinched and didn't even growl. Oh, my son.
Lucas could have gotten seriously hurt or worse today because of a mistake I made.
We came up the stairs and I had my hands full with him and my drink (just water) so I didn't close the gate at the top of the staircase. I usually go back and do this right away, but didn't because we got distracted and started playing in his room.
I was reading him a book and a little into it he crawled out of his room and down the hall. I had shut all of the doors and thought that the gate was shut so I assumed he was ok. I continued reading the book to him thinking that he would be back any moment. After a while with no sound from him, I thought that I should check on my mischievious son. What was he up to now?
My heart stopped when I turned the corner and saw the gate wide open and no sign of Lucas. Then I saw him teetering on the top step trying to go down by himself backwards. Shaking, I quickly scooped him up and thanked God that he didn't fall. I hate that I was so careless.
We came up the stairs and I had my hands full with him and my drink (just water) so I didn't close the gate at the top of the staircase. I usually go back and do this right away, but didn't because we got distracted and started playing in his room.
I was reading him a book and a little into it he crawled out of his room and down the hall. I had shut all of the doors and thought that the gate was shut so I assumed he was ok. I continued reading the book to him thinking that he would be back any moment. After a while with no sound from him, I thought that I should check on my mischievious son. What was he up to now?
My heart stopped when I turned the corner and saw the gate wide open and no sign of Lucas. Then I saw him teetering on the top step trying to go down by himself backwards. Shaking, I quickly scooped him up and thanked God that he didn't fall. I hate that I was so careless.
Girl Prediction
I'm going out on a limb here and predicting that I am carrying a girl this time. Maybe it's motherly instinct, or maybe it is that I already have a boy and wouldn't mind a little sister for him. Who knows? A little brother would be great, too, though.
My girl name of choice now is: Eliana Faith Lomonaco.
Eliana means God has answered me or God is Lord.
We would probably call her Ellie for short. Do you like it?
My girl name of choice now is: Eliana Faith Lomonaco.
Eliana means God has answered me or God is Lord.
We would probably call her Ellie for short. Do you like it?
I have been hugely exhausted lately, and for some reason Lucas doesn't want to take his naps. It is killing me! Just sleep already, kid.
On a positive note, the other morning he slept in until 7:30 am. I forced myself to stay in bed to take advantage of it. So nice and unusual.
On a positive note, the other morning he slept in until 7:30 am. I forced myself to stay in bed to take advantage of it. So nice and unusual.
Knocked Up
It looks like Lucas will be having a little sibling in the next nine months.
Woo-HOO, we're expecting baby #2!!
While it seems awfully early (they will be just nineteen months apart), we are trusting God for His perfect timing. We were actually ready for another one as of this month.
Now I am understanding the excessive trips to the potty lately, why I've been so tired all the time, and have been needing to eat at odd hours.
How nuts that we will have two next Christmas! So much for traveling to Ohio.
Woo-HOO, we're expecting baby #2!!
While it seems awfully early (they will be just nineteen months apart), we are trusting God for His perfect timing. We were actually ready for another one as of this month.
Now I am understanding the excessive trips to the potty lately, why I've been so tired all the time, and have been needing to eat at odd hours.
How nuts that we will have two next Christmas! So much for traveling to Ohio.
Clogged Arteries
This morning I went out for breakfast with the women in our Bible study. I ordered a Strawberry Belgian waffle and asked for some bacon on the side. You need the salty bacon to cut all of the sweetness of the strawberries and whipped cream. My side was ENORMOUS-5 or 6 pieces!! I didn't want that much but I ate most of it since it was on my plate. Lucas had some, too. I am trying to fatten him up afterall. Anyway, I spent $5 on the side. 5 Bucks for bacon! I can't believe it costs that much for a heart attack. Next time, I'll ask for the mini side.
Lucas had 6 teeth and now he has 5 7/8. He has a chip in one of his bottom teeth. I think that it was his first one. Sheesh, he's only had them for 4 months and one is already broken.
Perhaps it was from his habit of grinding them or from the time that he knocked a small metal flashlight around his mouth banging on his teeth in a full circle. I took it away, but the damage was already done. Thank goodness that they are not the permanent ones.
Perhaps it was from his habit of grinding them or from the time that he knocked a small metal flashlight around his mouth banging on his teeth in a full circle. I took it away, but the damage was already done. Thank goodness that they are not the permanent ones.
I am feeling so excited about life lately. I'm getting to be more like my old self again. Finally seeming to come out of the moved across the country, pregnant and new baby funk and making fun plans once again.
This week I am organizing a monthly breakfast for the ladies of our Bible study. I am also brainstorming social activities for the group. I recently started planning Lucas' 1st birthday party. And am having that Pampered Chef party next month.
Also, my just moved to California sister is coming for a visit next weekend. And our parents will visit at the end of March.
Oh and then we are going skiing (my first time) with church in February.
So many things to look forward to. What a sweet change!
This week I am organizing a monthly breakfast for the ladies of our Bible study. I am also brainstorming social activities for the group. I recently started planning Lucas' 1st birthday party. And am having that Pampered Chef party next month.
Also, my just moved to California sister is coming for a visit next weekend. And our parents will visit at the end of March.
Oh and then we are going skiing (my first time) with church in February.
So many things to look forward to. What a sweet change!
Not Intended for Children
This morning, my glorious, how I love him, husband, took Lucas into the bathroom with him as he got ready for work. This allowed me to at least lay in bed for another half an hour. Oh how I needed it and really appreciated him. The boy was up at a little after 5 this morning!! As I tried to relax and go back to sleep, I heard Mike teaching Lucas how to drum.
"Like this buddy," BAM, BAM, BAM!
How calming.
A while later, it was time for me to take over so Mike could finish up and I noticed the toilet brush tossed on the floor amongst Lucas' pile of toys and books. Mike had given him the toilet brush to play with! Alright let me clarify that it is not really a brush with crusty, rusty bristles, but just the stick kind that holds the reusable toilet cleaners, but STILL. Gross.
"Like this buddy," BAM, BAM, BAM!
How calming.
A while later, it was time for me to take over so Mike could finish up and I noticed the toilet brush tossed on the floor amongst Lucas' pile of toys and books. Mike had given him the toilet brush to play with! Alright let me clarify that it is not really a brush with crusty, rusty bristles, but just the stick kind that holds the reusable toilet cleaners, but STILL. Gross.
Classic Christmas Carol
Ok, so this post is not really is something that I heard when in Orlando at Christmas time. But I was reminded of it as I began singing the catchy little tune last night and thought that it might be blog worthy.
It was a new "Christmas carol" that I heard on the radio (XL 106.7) in Orlando. It went like this:
All I want for Christmas, Christmas,
Is to get drunk, get drunk, get drunk...
No joke. Did anyone else hear it? Could you imagine carolers coming to your door next year and singing that?!
It was a new "Christmas carol" that I heard on the radio (XL 106.7) in Orlando. It went like this:
All I want for Christmas, Christmas,
Is to get drunk, get drunk, get drunk...
No joke. Did anyone else hear it? Could you imagine carolers coming to your door next year and singing that?!
First Steps
Today Lucas took a few small first steps on his own. He actually ran. That's my boy!!
One small step for baby, one giant leap for babykind and toward growing up.
One small step for baby, one giant leap for babykind and toward growing up.
Ironically, I really want to host a Pampered Chef party now. I am needing some new kitchen gear and what better way than to get it for free. Anyone want to buy any Pampered Chef stuff? Now I just need to make some friends to invite;-).
Nursery Rhymes
I came across this familiar nursery rhyme in one of Lucas' books. Though I did not remember the surprising conclusion.
Goosey, goosey, gander,
Whither shall I wander?
Upstairs and downstairs
And in my lady's chamber.
There I met an old man
Who would not say his prayers.
I took him by the left leg
And threw him down the stairs.
How is that for a new evangelism technique?
And had you ever heard the second half of One, Two, Buckle My Shoe?
Here it goes after Nine, ten, A big fat hen:
Eleven, twelve,
Dig and delve;
Thirteen, fourteen,
Maids a-courting;
Fifteen, sixteen,
Maids in the kitchen;
Seventeen, eighteen,
Maids a-waiting;
Nineteen, twenty,
My plate's empty.
Nice. It's a wonder that I never heard that part before.
Goosey, goosey, gander,
Whither shall I wander?
Upstairs and downstairs
And in my lady's chamber.
There I met an old man
Who would not say his prayers.
I took him by the left leg
And threw him down the stairs.
How is that for a new evangelism technique?
And had you ever heard the second half of One, Two, Buckle My Shoe?
Here it goes after Nine, ten, A big fat hen:
Eleven, twelve,
Dig and delve;
Thirteen, fourteen,
Maids a-courting;
Fifteen, sixteen,
Maids in the kitchen;
Seventeen, eighteen,
Maids a-waiting;
Nineteen, twenty,
My plate's empty.
Nice. It's a wonder that I never heard that part before.
What a mess!
I am pretty obsessive compulsive about cleanliness and tend to keep a pretty squeaky clean house (at least by outside appearance--I would fail the white glove test for sure). Lately, though, my neatness has be thwarted by the following: Lucas puking on the kitchen floor and then playing in it, a half dead fern that dropped many of it's leaves on my just cleaned kitchen floor, a picture that crashed to the floor and shattered glass as I was trying to clean up the fern leaves, and apple juice that sprayed its stickiness all over the kitchen as I was shaking the pitcher when I just needed a little drink. Darn it. Oh and there was the coffee that exploded in the microwave this morning. I think that I will stay out of the kitchen for the remainder of the day. I may burn it down or something.
Splish Splash
Lucas loves his bath. Last night, he had the most fun in the tub ever. He smacked the water with his hand, splashing the walls, the floor and my glasses. His toothy grin, giggles and squeals of pleasure were priceless. A few times, Lucas even bent over and drank the water from his tub like a dog(gross!).
When it was time to get out, I started draining the water. He continued to splash and smile until the last drop disappeared. Then he crawled over to the drain to find out where all of his fun went, studying the hole that robbed him of his water. Smartie!
I bundled his wriggly naked body in a fluffy towel, dried him off and put him in his jammies. Only to have him get crusty again eating his dinner.
When it was time to get out, I started draining the water. He continued to splash and smile until the last drop disappeared. Then he crawled over to the drain to find out where all of his fun went, studying the hole that robbed him of his water. Smartie!
I bundled his wriggly naked body in a fluffy towel, dried him off and put him in his jammies. Only to have him get crusty again eating his dinner.
Natural Disasters
We left Florida in August of 2004, right before a string of four hurricanes hit the state. Much of the Orlando area was affected by the storms, many were without power and had roof damage. Some of our close friends had to practically rebuild their home because of excessive water damage from the storms.
We've been grateful not to have to deal with hurricanes here. But now we are facing new storm problems--flooding, mudslides, and such. Our city, Roseville, is flooded in some areas now due to excessive rain overflowing creeks. Luckily, we are not too close to the flooding. Our yard is just really soggy and muddy.
They did not have a white, but a wet Christmas in Sacramento this year. I'm glad that we got to enjoy some sunshine in Florida.
It's raining again today. Oh the weather outside is frightful.
We've been grateful not to have to deal with hurricanes here. But now we are facing new storm problems--flooding, mudslides, and such. Our city, Roseville, is flooded in some areas now due to excessive rain overflowing creeks. Luckily, we are not too close to the flooding. Our yard is just really soggy and muddy.
They did not have a white, but a wet Christmas in Sacramento this year. I'm glad that we got to enjoy some sunshine in Florida.
It's raining again today. Oh the weather outside is frightful.
We're Home
After a week in Florida for Christmas, we are back home safe and sound. We had a lovely time visiting and catching up with our family and friends. Too bad we didn't have longer there so that we could have enjoyed more downtime. Unfortunately, traveling home for the holidays doesn't make for a very relaxing vacation. I need another vacation now to recover.
Lucas did so well on the trip (I was really worried about the flight). He was about as perfect as a baby can be: he didn't melt down on the plane, he slept well at night, and grabbed naps when he could as we drove all over the place. We just have to get him back on California time and his readjusted to his nap schedule again.
I spent all day yesterday doing laundry--7 loads!! And today I will relax and enjoy the start to the new year.
Lucas did so well on the trip (I was really worried about the flight). He was about as perfect as a baby can be: he didn't melt down on the plane, he slept well at night, and grabbed naps when he could as we drove all over the place. We just have to get him back on California time and his readjusted to his nap schedule again.
I spent all day yesterday doing laundry--7 loads!! And today I will relax and enjoy the start to the new year.
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