

I have been hugely exhausted lately, and for some reason Lucas doesn't want to take his naps. It is killing me! Just sleep already, kid.

On a positive note, the other morning he slept in until 7:30 am. I forced myself to stay in bed to take advantage of it. So nice and unusual.


Unknown said...

you had to force yourself?!

Amanda Lomonaco said...

Yeah, I was awake because I am so accustomed to waking up at 6:30 or 7 (sometimes as early as 5:40) every day. I was awake, but it was so great to just lay there until I was ready to get going. I never get that privledge anymore.

running shoes said...

just don't do what i did and put off resting then falling asleep on the driveway. it did keep the neighbors talking though.

Unknown said...

wah?! that's hilarious!

i love that we have conversations on a blog post.

hip hip hooray for living in the 2000s.