
Yeah for Aunt Katie!!

She's coming, she's coming. Aunt Katie (my sister) is coming early!

I have been feeling pretty stressed out lately, with all of the upcoming things happening with us in the nearby future. The move is this Saturday and there is still so much to be done (packing, painting, etc.). I have a baby shower on Saturday, too, which means that I can't help much with the move--darn it;-). Our house is on the market and can be shown at anytime, though it is a wreck with all of the packing boxes. And then there is the new little Lomonaco who will be arriving any day now (officially the due date is in 2 and a half weeks).

Katie's plan was to be on a plane to come help out with Lucas as soon as I am in labor (or as soon as she could get a ticket when I called her). A neighbor would watch him until she could get here. That really made me nervous, though. What if the neighbor was out of town (they are planning a trip right around my due date)? What if it took Katie days to get here? What if my labor is only hours long? My first one was pretty quick, so I don't think that I have much time to get to the hospital this time around. The getting Lucas cared for logistics all around stink.

I called Katie yesterday and pleaded with her to come out NOW. And my sweet sister agreed. She'll be here on Friday to help out. We are so excited to have her. What a awesome blessing and weight off my shoulders. I just hope that her new niece or nephew awaits her arrival.


Katrina said...

Wow, that's great. I'm so happy that you'll have your sis there to take care of Lucas while you're in the hospital. I'm sure she'll be great company and help in the days before you go into labor too.

running shoes said...

is this your sister that lives in my area? so nice of her to fly down (across)and help out. good luck with the move and the shower. we will be praying for all to go smoothly (including labor).