
I'm Hired

Guess what, I am officially employeed again, as of Monday. My temp job at the mortgage company turned into a full time, permanent position. So what if I am making a third less than I was at Campus Crusade for Christ (and taxes are a third more here). What counts is that I will no longer be sitting on my duff all day, and I can help us out some financially, too. Every little bit helps. I am grateful for a job and happy that it is in a place that is close to home. They also know that I am leaving once the baby is born and are supportive of that.

Praise God!!



I am working as a receptionist and get annoyed everytime the phone rings. Is that wrong?

My Favorite Candy

Lately, I've had a sore back. I complained one evening to Mike who offered to give me a massage.

"When do you want it?"

"Now and Later" was my reply. I got two massages. I love that candy.

List o' Cravings

Krispie Kreme raspberry filled donuts
Ice Cream
Chocolate (Twix bars, chocolate chip cookies, cake, etc.)

The baby loves to eat!


Paying Down Debt

My temp job will be extended through the end of next week. With all of my various paychecks rolling in, it is sure helping us to pay down our debt. Keep it coming! Oh, but how I long for a vacation:). This full time working business is nuts!



I feel so terribly lethargic lately, like a slow moving sloth. Nuts that I was running in marathons a few months back and now all I do is sit around. No wonder I am packing on the pregnancy pounds. I miss my workout buddies and the feeling of the runner's high. One day...

As soon as I get motivated to exercise, something comes up to prevent it. It's pouring today. Oh well, looks like it will be another night of cream puffs and prime time for me.


Middle of the Night Sickness

I asked for it, I got it..."morning sickness." After a relatively easy pregnancy thus far, I was awakened at 2 am to get sick for the first time. Why did I want this? Why am I sharing this on the internet? I guess that I have truly had the full experience now. Hopefully, it won't happen again. Ugh!



Today I am wearing a pre-pregnancy skinny skirt, below the belly. So tight...I can hardly breathe. I feel like I am turing blue. I hope that I am not angering lil one.


Rumbly in the Tumbly

I had the strangest sensation in my lower tummy last night after dinner. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. It was as if my supper was revolting and trying to get out of there by punching and kicking it's way out. It took me a momemt to realize that it was the baby. I had never felt it that strong before. Kinda hurt, but made me laugh at the same time. Baby Lomonaco probably didn't like our healthy fish dinner with fat free tarter sauce either and was trying to tell me to have a thick, juicy, steak next time.

Mike got to feel the spastic stomach and was in disbelief. "Woah, It's like your muscles are freaking out or something."

The fact that there is a little parasitic creature living and moving around inside of me is so crazy, yet cool.


Working Like a Jamaican

After a nice break from full time employment, I am back into the working swing of things. Last Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, I assisted my old company, LIA, with their annual conference in San Francisco. On Friday and Saturday, I worked at my event travel agency sales job. And tomorrow, I start a temp receptionist job for the next 2-3 weeks.

What a blessing to have these opportunities to help out with our budget. I pray that we will be in a better place financially when the baby comes in March, as I will be staying home at that point.


Name Options

How's Lefty Lomonaco for a boy's name? Does it sound too, how shall I put this, mafia?



Last week I got to finally got to "see" my baby. Mike and I were in awe of how amazing it was to view the ultrasound and listen to the strong little heartbeat. It made me cry to hear the thumping of the heart.

We were able to take home several of baby Lomonaco's first photos. One was a front view of the little skeleton face, a portrait. It rather resembled an alien and I told Mike, "It looks like you."

I can't wait to really see my little precious. I love it so much!