
Not Intended for Children

This morning, my glorious, how I love him, husband, took Lucas into the bathroom with him as he got ready for work. This allowed me to at least lay in bed for another half an hour. Oh how I needed it and really appreciated him. The boy was up at a little after 5 this morning!! As I tried to relax and go back to sleep, I heard Mike teaching Lucas how to drum.

"Like this buddy," BAM, BAM, BAM!

How calming.

A while later, it was time for me to take over so Mike could finish up and I noticed the toilet brush tossed on the floor amongst Lucas' pile of toys and books. Mike had given him the toilet brush to play with! Alright let me clarify that it is not really a brush with crusty, rusty bristles, but just the stick kind that holds the reusable toilet cleaners, but STILL. Gross.


Unknown said...

okay, i just laughed out loud, imagining the whole thing. hysterical.

Anonymous said...

First he was holding it like a sceptar and then swinging it around like a sword, then we were using it as a drumstick on an empty contained of mouth rinse.

Hey, I had to keep him busy somehow while I got ready for work.

-MikeL (aka daddy)