
The Waiting Game

We are in a season of waiting right now. 9.5 more weeks to wait for the new little Lomonaco to officially join our family. Actually, this is starting to freak me out. How can I handle a newborn while also taking care of a toddler?! Eeeeeek! And we don't even have Lucas' new big boy furniture or baby clothes ready, etc. etc. This is ok to wait for. Take your time, #2.

Another day or so until we know for sure if the sellers have both accepted our offer on the new place (we had a verbal acceptance but nothing in writting as of yet). I don't like the suspense. I am ready to know what is in store for our life, the future. I feel so in limbo and uncertain of what our upcoming weeks, months will be like. Let us know already!!

1 comment:

running shoes said...

you are going to do great! take it all in stride, like you usually do. all will be o.k. and you'll have lots to blog about