

Lately I haven't been getting any naps. A couple weeks ago, Emily decided that Lucas' 2-3 hour nap time (and my only opportunity for daytime slumber or time off) would be her longest awake stretch. Then last week, my mother-in-law visited and Lucas stopped napping the whole time she was here. He would only catch them when being walked in the stroller or driven somewhere. If put down for a nap, he would just scream and/or play in his room. My mother in law suggested that I might just walk the kids daily so that they can get their nap in. Not going to happen.

This bad habit continues this week. My 20 month old is NOT going to be giving up his naps, though. I will win this power struggle or at least fight tooth and nail to get my break back. His nap time (if Emily will allow it) is my only me time besides in the late evening when I am too tired to do much of anything but drool and crawl into bed.

2 days of screaming later and he is still not taking his (or my) much needed break. Tonight I put him to bed at 6pm because he was deliriously tired and I was sick of being around his crabby self. We'll see what time he wakes up.

Between getting up at night to feed and take care of Emily, waking up at the crack of freakin' dawn with Lucas (try 6 am everyday), and now not getting any naps, I am a basketcase. I can't even think clearly, like I am drunk or something. And I am so stressed out that it takes me a minute or so to relax enough to pee.

Oh and I am off of all things milk again, too, as Emily is allergic like her brother was. No ice cream, no sleep, no life outside of screaming kids and poopy diapers. Life really stinks right now! I cannot wait to get through this season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See - this proves insanity is hereditary! You get it from your kids.....