
Natural Disasters

We left Florida in August of 2004, right before a string of four hurricanes hit the state. Much of the Orlando area was affected by the storms, many were without power and had roof damage. Some of our close friends had to practically rebuild their home because of excessive water damage from the storms.

We've been grateful not to have to deal with hurricanes here. But now we are facing new storm problems--flooding, mudslides, and such. Our city, Roseville, is flooded in some areas now due to excessive rain overflowing creeks. Luckily, we are not too close to the flooding. Our yard is just really soggy and muddy.

They did not have a white, but a wet Christmas in Sacramento this year. I'm glad that we got to enjoy some sunshine in Florida.

It's raining again today. Oh the weather outside is frightful.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Amanda! So glad that we got to see each other over Christmas "break". ;)

Amanda Lomonaco said...

Thanks! You too! I had such a great visit with you and my friends there. It's too bad that we don't get to do that more often (though luckily you all come to Sacramento occasionally, too). How many more weeks now til little Caedmon comes? So exciting. Oh, and I am not suggesting that he will be a natural disaster or anything like that.

running shoes said...

Hope you are still hanging in there. Yesterday, on the news I saw a chick paddleing down her street in a canoe and I thought of you. Rain, Rain go away!

Amanda Lomonaco said...

It's actually sunny and clear today...at least for now. Maybe I will go for a run while it is still nice out.

running shoes said...

cool, run one for me.