

Last night while out to dinner, daddy taught Lucas a fun new game. How to stick food to his face. Lucas loved it but instead of putting the corn on his nose like daddy showed him, he shoved it right up his nostril as far as it would go. I tried to get it out by picking it and only managed to push it up further (duh). We all thought that it was pretty funny for a few moments, tried to get Lucas to blow his nose and dislogde the kernal, but it wasn't working. His smile faded pretty quickly and he started to get annoyed by it after a few minutes, sneezing and rubbing his nostril. "Mama, mama..." he called out as he rubbed his sore nose. What the heck were we going to do? We were in the middle of our dinner at a restaraunt and our kid's nose was all plugged up with corn. Luckily, soon it came loose, hung from his red nostril and Mike was able to push it out. It was a huge kernal! Oi. Hopefully, Lucas learned not to do that again.


Anonymous said...

That's a fun game. I generally play that whenever I go out to dinner too. I usually do it with the spaghetti though....

Amanda Lomonaco said...

You would, Landis. Gross;-). I miss you cuz. Hope to see you sometime soon. P.S. Congrats on the upcoming anniversary. A little word of advice, don't do the spaghetti thing on your dinner date that night.