
We are Family

Here are my two pumpkins. Lucas is trying to figure out his new little sister and Emily looks a tad bit annoyed. "Hey, can't you see that I am trying to sleep here?!"

And here is the chaos of our family of four artistically captured by my sister, Katie. Life is crazy now with two kids (a toddler and a newborn), but oh so sweet.

Michael just updated our family page with the story and photos of Emily's birthday and homecoming. You can see that here.


Katrina said...

Looks like you're a very happy family - what a wonderful blessing! Lucas will be a great big brother...I feel sorry for Emily's future boyfriends! When our kiddos get older we'll have to introduce Ian and Emily. Afterall, they're only six months apart.Humm...

Unknown said...

I love these pics! What a fun family. Congratulations.