
Mom of the Year

Just when I think that I can qualify for this honor, I have a day like yesterday.

It seems like I am always mentioning Lucas' sleeping issues, i.e. waking up too early, not napping properly/normally. I think that teething often effects him, and at his age he always seems to be teething. Why children aren't born with teeth is beyond me. Ok, so maybe they would bite their mothers when nursing, but still.

His naps have been sporatic lately, in fact Sunday he wouldn't go down at all. And his new evil wake up time in the morning is sometime during the 5 o'clock hour. It's pretty crappy and I feel tired most of the time.

Anyhoo, he wouldn't take his morning nap yesterday. So I eventually got him up and we headed to the park for a meeting that I had. He fell asleep in the car. I let him snooze as I met with my friend to discuss the church picnic. I am in charge of the games--fun. The stinky thing is, though I could see the car and wasn't too far away, I wouldn't have been able to hear him if he woke up and started crying. The lawn was being mown as we met making it impossible to hear. Luckily, when I left a half an hour later, he was still peacefully napping. I had to finally wake him when we got home.

In the afternoon, I figured that he would take his nap for sure as his morning one had been interrupted and maybe lighter than usual as it was in a car seat. Maybe he would have, but mommy accidentally sabatoged his slumber by putting the lid on his sippy cup wrong. After an hour of him talking and whinning in his crib, he eventually started to cry. When I went in to retrieve my little insomniac, he pointed furiously to the mattress which was soaking wet and ice cold. His cup that I give him in his crib which was full of ice water was nearly empty. His outfit was soaked through and his feet were little ice cubes from standing in the puddle. My poor kid. How long had he suffered in that? Did he actually try to lay down and sleep? I felt awful.

Later on in the day, he was playing in the family room as I cleaned the kitchen and he started crying hysterically. Did he hit his head or fall down, I thought. I ran out only to find him halfway up our stairs, a fall that could seriously hurt him or worse. I think that he had gotten scared or was tired of climbing and didn't know how to get back down. I must use the gate!!

Mother of the Year I am not.

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