

I had quite a heart stopping event happen this morning. Lucas and I were about to leave for a friend's house and I decided to load a few things in the car for the trip. I left the door to the house cracked, but then pulled it shut when Lucas tottered over and opened it wanting to come outside with me. He wasn't wearing his shoes and I didn't feel like keeping him out of off limits garage stuff while I was trying to quickly pack up--not just being a mean mom. When I went to go inside, THE DOOR WAS LOCKED!! It is never locked. I ran around and checked the front door on the off chance that it was open. Nope. I had no key, no phone, and at this point my kid was inside the house screaming his bloody head off. OH CRAP!

Panic stricken, I raced to a neighbors home to use their phone. I reached Mike at work and frantically asked him who had a key to our house. We came up with a few possibilities. I was able to get a hold of the friend who did but she wasn't sure where the key was at first. Luckily she found it and was over within minutes. While we were waiting for her, my neighbor tried to jimmy the lock and then offered to break the door down if I needed him to. It's so scary with a baby inside because he could be doing something dangerous like attempting to climb the stairs or sticking his head in the toilet. His wailing at the door, though hard to hear, let me know just where he was, which sort of helped me feel better. When the key arrived and the lock clicked open, I scooped up my puffy, red faced, plastic sword-wielding baby and held him in my arms tight. And then everything was ok.

1 comment:

running shoes said...

whoa! i'm so glad that everything worked out. praise God