
Splish Splash

Lucas loves his bath. Last night, he had the most fun in the tub ever. He smacked the water with his hand, splashing the walls, the floor and my glasses. His toothy grin, giggles and squeals of pleasure were priceless. A few times, Lucas even bent over and drank the water from his tub like a dog(gross!).

When it was time to get out, I started draining the water. He continued to splash and smile until the last drop disappeared. Then he crawled over to the drain to find out where all of his fun went, studying the hole that robbed him of his water. Smartie!

I bundled his wriggly naked body in a fluffy towel, dried him off and put him in his jammies. Only to have him get crusty again eating his dinner.

1 comment:

running shoes said...

eewww, crusty. what a word picture.