
Leaving on a Jet Plane

Tomorrow morning I leave my baby for the first time in his whole life (almost 16 months of never being away from him for more than several hours). I am going alone to North Carolina for the weekend to see my college best friend, Andrea, finally tie the knot. And leaving Mike to take care of the kiddo and get to see what my life is like for a few days. Maybe both of them will love and appreciate me more when I return.

I am going to be a bawling wreck saying goodbye. Please pray for our safety and time apart. I keep having nightmares about something terrible happening while I am away.


Unknown said...

How have I never picked up on the fact that we both have best friends named Andrea?!?!?! We ARE sisters!!

i'll be praying.

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip! It will be so nice for you. When Jenna was 16 months, I left her with Grammy and went to Shanghai for a few days. I had to look at videos & pictures of her (off our camera) every free moment I had to get through the trip. Jenna really got to bond with Daddy and her grandparents. And it was good for me, too...Actually made me appreciate having her in my life SO much more. --Lina

Unknown said...

How was the July 4th run?

Amanda Lomonaco said...

Yeah, the 5 mile run didn't happen this year. Last weekend, I ran to catch a plane in Phoenix and started having contractions and then had a terrible burning sensation in my legs. I've taken too long a sabbatical from my old sport and can't do it anymore. I tried another time this week on a treadmill and had such bladder pressure that I thought that I'd wet my pants. Plus it was really early in the morning 6:45 am and I wanted to be able to sleep in instead. Sleeping in is a relative term, as Lucas is pretty much up by 6:30 every morning at the latest, but still...

Thanks for asking, though;-).