
No Baby

I am still very much with child and beginning to think that this will always be the case. Though the little one is not yet overdue, I am a little miffed that it hasn't made it's grand appearance. Being this pregnant SUCKS. I am so darn uncomfortable all of the time now. Oh and I am sick on top of it all. Grrrrrrrr.

Todays drs appointment revealed that I am only slightly dialated and my now bald headed enemy (the doctor that I wanted to kiss for calling me thin a month ago), told me that he wouldn't be surprised if he saw me at my next week's appointment. That is absolutely unacceptable as it is after my October 1 due date. Hmph.

Hurry up little one, mama's going crazy.


running shoes said...

sorry that your getting frustrated. my sister is overdue at this point and maybe you both will have your babies on the same day. Hang in there.

Katrina said...

I remember those final days of pregnancy all too well...maybe you'll prove your doctor wrong and go into labor today. Two days before I had Ian I was only between 1-2cm and still only 25% efaced. Then in the early morning hours two days later I went into labor and then gave birth to Ian that night. Can't wait to hear the news of your new little one!! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.