
Botched Beauty

I've been getting pampered a bit to prepare for the new baby who could be coming any day now. Less than 4 weeks and counting.

Last week, I went in for a 6 month overdue hair cut. The stylist asked if I wanted my long hair layered for a bit more style (translation: you have no style). I told her sure, but informed her that as a mom I rarely have time to do anything with it, even blow it dry. I am lucky to get it washed every day. So, she layered away and kept saying how cute it would look when I took the time to do it. Well, I don't ever have the time(as I told her before she cut it) and now my new layered locks look like crap everyday. Like they been chewed on. And come to think of it, that is accurate. Lucas does love to eat my hair. Hmmmm.

Sunday, I went in for a pedicure. I wanted something to be pretty about me during labor. I also figured that freshly painted toes could be a focal point to take my mind off the excruciating pain or the duration of the pushing. Maybe not. Well the lady didn't cut my claws which were at least a month long until I asked her to trim them a bit. She then proceeded to hack them off entirely too short and now the nubby nails look rather retarded in their bright red, obvious polish.

So glad that I bothered getting beautified. Now I feel like a big troll.


Katrina said...

Is your hair still long enough for you to pull it back into a ponytail? I can't imagine these early months of baby grabbing/pulling hair without the option of a ponytail! The other day another mom at Church noted that the ponytail was the, "mommy hairstyle". How true.

Amanda Lomonaco said...

Yep, still long enough for that much worn style. Though Lucas pulls it out of the ponytail in the back, making me look very unput-together. My hair is his security blanket which is very sweet, but a tad annoying when I want to actually look presentable.

running shoes said...

i just hate it when you tell the "stylist" over and over that you need a simple, but great haircut and they ignore you- like they know your life better and that somehow they're going to talk you into miraculously having time to fix your hair. Ugh! i'm still recovering from a similar experience in june, but sadly i have no hair to pull back into a ponytail. no, i'm not bitter.