

Today is Mike and my 10-year dating anniversary. It's strange to think that we have been together for more than a third of my life.

It is also my best friend, Christa's 28th birthday. She was glad when Mike and I finally got married so that we would no longer celebrate our dating on her day. Unfortunately for her, we still do.

This evening we commemorated the event by semi-reliving our first date. That called for sharing a shake at Denny's and coming home (but this time to our own home, instead of his mom's), to watch a John Cusak movie. On our first date it was Say Anything. Tonight we watched Serendipity with a crackling fire.

And now he's sawing zzzzz's...yep, it's been 10 years all right;-).


Winter Wonderland

This year for Christmas, as we were without any family for the first time, we decided to spend our couple days off to take a trip to Yosemite National Park. It is only 3 hours or so away from us. It made sense to do this, too, as it would probably be our last trip together pre-baby.

We stayed at The Wawona Hotel, a historic lodge, within the park. Historic meant no heat in the bathrooms that we had to walk down the below freezing outside hall to get to. It was like we were half camping. I never wanted to get out of the hot shower for fear of catching pnuemonia. And having to get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom was literally painful.

The park was beautiful, though. We thoroughly enjoyed driving and hiking around looking at the mountain peaks and waterfalls. It was especially Christmasy to be in the snow. Nothing else about our Christmas holiday seemed very festive or normal(none of our usual traditions), so at least we had beautiful snow.

Too, we saw lots of deer. Some even had antlers. Maybe they were reindeer.



After banging my car up this week, we decided to get me something else to destroy. Today after looking for months we finally purchased a red 2001 Ford Escape as my new "mom mobile." It seems to be in really great condition and has leather seats, a sunroof and a 6 cd changer...all these neat little features that would have been nice to have. It is much higher off the ground than my Accord, so I feel quite powerful driving it. We actually pick it up tomorrow. Wahoo!!


Hit and Run

I hit a parked car the other day in my office parking lot when pulling into the spot next door. Neither vehicle was super damaged (my bumper may need replacing because it got scraped and my headlight cover shattered and the other car had some door trim issues).

The conditions couldn't have been worse to cause me to be so careless. I was shaky because I had been fasting all day for a doctors appointment. I also needed to pee really bad...pregnant and hadn't in 2 hours for my ultrasound test. The lot was busy, too, with hardly any spots left and a ton of traffic. I was trying to get out of another car's way when I zipped in the spot, miscalculating my turn. BAM!

I left a note with my contact info. Good thing, too, because it turns out to be a cop car. The captain of the Sacramento PD. He called me to fill out an accident report. I wonder if I will get in trouble now for still having FL plates and my old drivers license. Great!


Close Call

Last night, we were traveling home after a week of vacation in Orlando. As is often the case with holiday travel, we had some snags in our trip. It all started soon after arriving at the airport when Mike realized that he left his jacket in the closet at his mom's house. I had done much of the packing and was surprised that I had missed it when packing up my clothes. But then it dawned on me that I had left all of my closet clothes, too. What a couple of morons!

Then when we picked up our tickets, we found out that our seats weren't
together. Luckily, that was straightened out in the time before boarding.

We were already cutting it pretty close with our connection in Denver and our 45 minute delayed departure in Orlando didn't help matters. By the time we landed, we only had 10 minutes to huff it to the next flight, conveniently located near the end of another terminal accessible only by airport train. Typically, too, if you arrive at the gate less than 10 minutes prior to departure, you aren't allowed to board. It seemed like we would be stuck in the mile high city for the night, where the temperature was a balmy 7 degrees and snow covered the ground. How nice, as we were dressed appropriately for Florida in short sleeves with no jackets. As God would have it, there were 18 others in a similar predicament and the plane waited for us. I didn't know this though as I bounced through the terminal, close to hyperventilating with my arms full of carry-ons(Mike took the heavy ones). Not very fun, but it felt great to make it when everything seemed against us. I was grateful not to go into labor as I wheezed down the jetway onto the plane.


By George, We Got It

We did get the car for Mike this weekend, friday night actually. It's a 1991, cream colored, Nissan 300ZX with tan interior and T-tops. It looks terrific and he is really enjoying driving it.

Buying the car was a rather strange experience. We paid for it with cash. On the way to look at it, we stopped by the bank to pick up the money. Mike told the cashier what we were doing and how much we wanted to withdraw ($6300). He wasn't very quiet about it either. "YES, I WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO GIVE ME SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM MY ACCOUNT," his voice seemed to boom. It made me a little nervous, as there were some seedy looking characters eyeing us. "Great," I thought "We'll get jumped in the parking lot." But we didn't. How weird though and slightly unsettling to have an envelope with that much cash in hand! We did walk briskly to the car once we had it counted out for us on the counter twice.

Cash worked well with the used car dealership. We were able to get the car for $1000 less than asking price. It's strange too to have CA plates now (at least on his). We haven't gotten around to changing my car over or our licenses. Hoping not to get arrested.

Grocery Fun

Lately, I have really enjoyed myself at the grocery store. Boy am I turning into a mom or what?! It's like one of my few outings these days.

Tonight I stopped by Albertson's on my way home (I'm loving that there is one familiar store from home here) to pick up a few things. As I turned down an aisle, I noticed a woman pushing her cart and dancing along to the very cheesy song that was blaring over the store's speakers. A very embarrassed teenage daughter trailed behind. "Mom, would you stop doing that," she said with gritted teeth and a scowl. I cracked a smile and said, "Your mom is cool." I can totally picture myself being a goofy, dorky, but fun mother like her someday. The mom's eyes lit up as she thanked me and the daughter seemed more annoyed but slightly tickled, too. "Don't encourage her," she retorted over her shoulder.

Then a special announcement came over the speakers (cutting into the silly song). "Tonight is cheap chicken night. Come by and pick up 8 pieces of fried chicken in the deli for a no fuss night. Just $4.99." Mmmmmm, I could go for finger lickin' good and no fuss on a Monday night. I booked it over to the deli for a greasy bag of the good stuff. Mike was pleased. It sure beat the leftovers that I was planning to serve.

What a great shopping trip. Unfortunately, I spent $89. I always seem to do that when I go in for a few items. So this evening, I am sitting here clipping and organizing my coupons for the next time. And planning ways to humiliate my teenagers in the future.


New Cars

Today Mike may buy a 1991 300Z for himself. Driving the motorcycle in the winter rain, fog and cold is not a pleasant or very safe experience for him. Next weekend, we are going to start looking at yellow Ford Escapes for me. Getting new cars is very exciting. We've been down to one car since July which has been a bit of a pain (we are so spoiled in this culture). Also, I have been driving my Honda for 10 years now, even though I had a brief stint with the Miata. It will be nice for a change to drive something different.


Needless Mileage

This weekend, we took two nearly pointless roadtrips. The first was to the San Fransisco area to the IKEA furnature store. After almost 2 hours of driving, we searched through the store for the perfect bookshelves. When we found set that we loved, we went to check out only to find they were out of stock. So, we will have to keep calling to see when they are in stock and make the 4 hour trip again in the future.

The next day, we drove out to Santa Rosa (a very similar route) to look at a car for Mike. We didn't realize it was a two seater, though, and had to decide against getting it. Not very practical for a growing family.

On the way home, we were able to stop in Petaluma and visit my cousin, Landis and his fiancee, Kat. This helped the 5 hour trip seem like less of a bust. We didn't come home with a car, but were full bellied because they took us out for pizza:). Gotta love family!

Sacramento Friends

How strange to be completely starting over with friends in a new place. I have never had to do this in my life (even when I went away to college, some of my high school friends were also there). 3 months into being here and we finally have another couple that we would call friends.

Hanging out with new, perspective friends is almost like dating again. I find myself wondering how often I should call (don't want to overdo it), taking longer to decide what to wear before outings with them and debating whether or not a hug would be appropriate following a visit.

In getting to know new people here, it makes me miss what I had in Orlando. We had such a neat group of close friends surrounding us there. It's tough to start fresh.

Another semi-random thought...how do you end a friendship? It's not like you can say, let's just be friends.

Blogger's Block

Lately, I haven't felt that I have much to say. Nothing huge has been happening. Not much worth reporting. I want to be funny and witty in my writing and haven't had it in me.

Last Friday, though, I typed up a pretty good blog. When I went to publish it, the site crashed and I lost it all. What a stinker. So that is why I am a little behind in updates. Forgive me, all one or two of my faithful readers...


I'm Hired

Guess what, I am officially employeed again, as of Monday. My temp job at the mortgage company turned into a full time, permanent position. So what if I am making a third less than I was at Campus Crusade for Christ (and taxes are a third more here). What counts is that I will no longer be sitting on my duff all day, and I can help us out some financially, too. Every little bit helps. I am grateful for a job and happy that it is in a place that is close to home. They also know that I am leaving once the baby is born and are supportive of that.

Praise God!!



I am working as a receptionist and get annoyed everytime the phone rings. Is that wrong?

My Favorite Candy

Lately, I've had a sore back. I complained one evening to Mike who offered to give me a massage.

"When do you want it?"

"Now and Later" was my reply. I got two massages. I love that candy.

List o' Cravings

Krispie Kreme raspberry filled donuts
Ice Cream
Chocolate (Twix bars, chocolate chip cookies, cake, etc.)

The baby loves to eat!


Paying Down Debt

My temp job will be extended through the end of next week. With all of my various paychecks rolling in, it is sure helping us to pay down our debt. Keep it coming! Oh, but how I long for a vacation:). This full time working business is nuts!



I feel so terribly lethargic lately, like a slow moving sloth. Nuts that I was running in marathons a few months back and now all I do is sit around. No wonder I am packing on the pregnancy pounds. I miss my workout buddies and the feeling of the runner's high. One day...

As soon as I get motivated to exercise, something comes up to prevent it. It's pouring today. Oh well, looks like it will be another night of cream puffs and prime time for me.


Middle of the Night Sickness

I asked for it, I got it..."morning sickness." After a relatively easy pregnancy thus far, I was awakened at 2 am to get sick for the first time. Why did I want this? Why am I sharing this on the internet? I guess that I have truly had the full experience now. Hopefully, it won't happen again. Ugh!



Today I am wearing a pre-pregnancy skinny skirt, below the belly. So tight...I can hardly breathe. I feel like I am turing blue. I hope that I am not angering lil one.


Rumbly in the Tumbly

I had the strangest sensation in my lower tummy last night after dinner. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. It was as if my supper was revolting and trying to get out of there by punching and kicking it's way out. It took me a momemt to realize that it was the baby. I had never felt it that strong before. Kinda hurt, but made me laugh at the same time. Baby Lomonaco probably didn't like our healthy fish dinner with fat free tarter sauce either and was trying to tell me to have a thick, juicy, steak next time.

Mike got to feel the spastic stomach and was in disbelief. "Woah, It's like your muscles are freaking out or something."

The fact that there is a little parasitic creature living and moving around inside of me is so crazy, yet cool.


Working Like a Jamaican

After a nice break from full time employment, I am back into the working swing of things. Last Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, I assisted my old company, LIA, with their annual conference in San Francisco. On Friday and Saturday, I worked at my event travel agency sales job. And tomorrow, I start a temp receptionist job for the next 2-3 weeks.

What a blessing to have these opportunities to help out with our budget. I pray that we will be in a better place financially when the baby comes in March, as I will be staying home at that point.


Name Options

How's Lefty Lomonaco for a boy's name? Does it sound too, how shall I put this, mafia?



Last week I got to finally got to "see" my baby. Mike and I were in awe of how amazing it was to view the ultrasound and listen to the strong little heartbeat. It made me cry to hear the thumping of the heart.

We were able to take home several of baby Lomonaco's first photos. One was a front view of the little skeleton face, a portrait. It rather resembled an alien and I told Mike, "It looks like you."

I can't wait to really see my little precious. I love it so much!



Ahhhh, maternity clothes are so wonderfully comfortable. I may never go back to my other clothes again. It's like being in pajamas all day long. But you can go outside in them, and to work, and church. Why do women ever wear anything else? Maybe because they would look like they were drowning in a tent of excess fabric. But that is what a belt is for, right?


Funny Shirt

I love witty t-shirts. I saw one that made me chuckle the other day. The front had the word PETA as an acrostic which stood for People Eating Tasty Animals. The back said, "I love cats! They taste great."

Cravings Satisfied

Yesterday was a grrrreat day. For dinner I satisfied all of my cravings. Mike and I split a smoothie (strawberry and peanut butter), a tuna wrap, and a Krispie Kreme raspberry filled donut. We also each consumed a free, fresh out of the oven, glazed donut. I asked the donut man what happened to them that he was just giving them out, but I didn't really care to know. I just inhaled it, liked my fingers, and thought, life is good.


Controversial Subjects

Conversations that turn to politics and/or religion often make me uncomfortable and I tend to avoid them like the plague. Am I a wimp?

Funny that I was on the debate team in middle school and planned on becoming a defense lawyer most of my life.

I just don't like confrontation. I wish that I was stronger in this regard. I think that much of it stems from my desire to be liked and to please people. Keeping quiet seems so much more comfortable than rocking a boat. Really, I should just hold my nose, forget about getting wet, and jump right in. A little water never hurt anyone, right (well, except the Wicked Witch of the West, but that is another story).

Oh yeah, vote for Bush and trust Jesus.


A Rose by Any Other Name

Would it still smell as sweet? I beg to differ, Romeo. What is in a name? A lot.

According to my book, The Very Best Baby Name Book (in the whole wide world), bad name choices from the parent can really mess a kid up. Names can lead to more poking fun by classmates, unfair preferential treatment from teachers; can even scar a kid for life. So now I have more to stress about in this pregnancy besides gaining too much weight, not taking proper precautions and hurting the baby in my womb, etc. Now I have to make the lifetime effecting choice of picking the perfect name for my child. I suppose that I should rule Bertha and Cletis out.

My book gives me 30,001 names and their meanings to choose from. I even found one that meant spawn of the devil—could you imagine that?

I only hope that I can pick some fragrant options. Who wants a stinky kid?!


Section 3

This weekend, I got to be in the popular crowd. We sat in the "cool" bleachers at the air races--Section 3. Who would think that an air race would have a cool place to sit, but this one did. My cousin, a veteran of the race crowd, introduced us to Section 3. He had learned his first year in attendance where you needed to sit. In fact, he and his fiancee were wearing special, construction orange, Section 3 shirts that many in our area seemed to wearing. We were surrounded by airhorns and bull horns and sat amidst a festive sea of orange. There was one guy on the bull horn who kept making funny comments as people walked by. Like, "Lady, did you lose something?" while holding up an enormous pair of Section 3 labeled granny panties. The pilots also paid special attention to our area, occassionally stopping after their show or race to wave an orange flag at us or salute us. It was quite an experience. Almost like being at a crazy Florida State football game again. If only I had purchased a orange sweatshirt to prove that I too was cool, at least for the day.

Hot or Cold

I don't know which I prefer feeling. I used to think that I would much rather be cold than hot (as you can always put more on). This past Saturday, though, I think that I may have changed my mind.

We went to the Reno air races for the day, sort of like the Nascar of plane racing. I dressed in capris, a t-shirt, a little hooded sweatshirt (just in case) and some sneakers. Needless to say, it was bitter cold. Reno is much higher altitude than Sacramento and a freak cold front came through over the weekend. The biting wind was blowing on me all day long and there wasn't much that I could do about it. I ended up feeling sick most of the day and headachy and awful on Sunday, too.

I think that I prefer being dressed for the occasion whether it is hot or cold. When you are away from your wardrobe, you are stuck in what you've got. Had I been in a thick sweatshirt, jeans and a jacket, I would have been just fine. I've learned I need to check the weather channel before going out for the day next time.


Boxed In

I am surrounded by various sized cardboard boxes. My house is drowning in them. The movers brought our stuff on Saturday and we have barely made a dent in the unpacking. When we are finished emptying the contents of a box,we put the empty carton in the garage. You can't tell what is empty or full in there. It's overwhelming. And I don't know where my silverware is. How's a girl to eat now?


Does This Outfit Make Me Look FAT?

So this lady came up to me at Target and said, "You're expecting, right?" I am only 15 weeks along and apparentally showing enough for random strangers to ask if I am having a boy or a girl. She offered to throw me a Tupperware baby shower, you know for all of my friends in California-HA! It could be worse. At least she didn't ask me if I wanted to join Jenny Craig.

I'm not sure how I feel about looking pregnant. As a woman, I struggle with the desire to want to to always appear thin. A few weeks ago, I started looking plump (not pregnant per se, just bigger). I guess it is better that I appear like a soon to be mommy rather than I just swallowed a whole turkey, though.

Last weekend, a different unknown person rubbed my expanding pooch. Oi, people these days.

Things Taken for Granted

I am a pregnant woman who is often ravenously hungry. Today is day 3 without a refridgerator. And this makes me angry. Having to eat every meal out and drink only tepid water all day long gets old and expensive awfully quick. Too, we are in a new house and I am home all day awaiting various deliveries and installations. This keeps me from eating at regular intervals...again, it's angering.

So, I sit here now awaiting the delivery of my precious new fridge. I am so looking forward to stocking it with fresh fruits and veggies, cold beverages and ICE CREAM!!

It was supposed to come between 10:45 and 12:45. It is not 1:45 and still nothing. Oh wait, there is a knock at the door. Gotta run, my tummy calls.


Rolling Blackouts?!

I'd heard of these annoying power outages effecting the state of California, but didn't think that they were still a problem now that Arnold is the governor.

This morning as I stood dripping after exiting the shower, the power went out. Uh oh, I guess that the hair will have to drip dry today. I ran downstairs in my bath towl to investigate, only to see an official looking truck outside. The cable guy? I was expecting him to hook us up with a cable modem today between 8am and noon. I charged back upstairs, threw on some clothes and checked out front again. The truck was gone.

Then it dawned on me. The previous owners must have turned their power off today (even though I had already turned ours on). Great, I knew that I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today. I worried that the scortching Sacramento heat would soon bake me alive. Luckily, after a frantic phone call to the electric company we were powered up an hour later. I didn't get cooked today...maybe tomorrow.