
Hot or Cold

I don't know which I prefer feeling. I used to think that I would much rather be cold than hot (as you can always put more on). This past Saturday, though, I think that I may have changed my mind.

We went to the Reno air races for the day, sort of like the Nascar of plane racing. I dressed in capris, a t-shirt, a little hooded sweatshirt (just in case) and some sneakers. Needless to say, it was bitter cold. Reno is much higher altitude than Sacramento and a freak cold front came through over the weekend. The biting wind was blowing on me all day long and there wasn't much that I could do about it. I ended up feeling sick most of the day and headachy and awful on Sunday, too.

I think that I prefer being dressed for the occasion whether it is hot or cold. When you are away from your wardrobe, you are stuck in what you've got. Had I been in a thick sweatshirt, jeans and a jacket, I would have been just fine. I've learned I need to check the weather channel before going out for the day next time.

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