
Close Call

Last night, we were traveling home after a week of vacation in Orlando. As is often the case with holiday travel, we had some snags in our trip. It all started soon after arriving at the airport when Mike realized that he left his jacket in the closet at his mom's house. I had done much of the packing and was surprised that I had missed it when packing up my clothes. But then it dawned on me that I had left all of my closet clothes, too. What a couple of morons!

Then when we picked up our tickets, we found out that our seats weren't
together. Luckily, that was straightened out in the time before boarding.

We were already cutting it pretty close with our connection in Denver and our 45 minute delayed departure in Orlando didn't help matters. By the time we landed, we only had 10 minutes to huff it to the next flight, conveniently located near the end of another terminal accessible only by airport train. Typically, too, if you arrive at the gate less than 10 minutes prior to departure, you aren't allowed to board. It seemed like we would be stuck in the mile high city for the night, where the temperature was a balmy 7 degrees and snow covered the ground. How nice, as we were dressed appropriately for Florida in short sleeves with no jackets. As God would have it, there were 18 others in a similar predicament and the plane waited for us. I didn't know this though as I bounced through the terminal, close to hyperventilating with my arms full of carry-ons(Mike took the heavy ones). Not very fun, but it felt great to make it when everything seemed against us. I was grateful not to go into labor as I wheezed down the jetway onto the plane.

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