
Photo Op

Well, we finally got our portrait done last night. Our appointment was at 6:15 and it wasn't until 7:30 or so that we were photographed. We had to wait over an hour in a sweltering room with a wiggly little boy. We sat, painfully watching another family get theirs taken, just wishing that their stinkin' baby would smile so that they would be done and get out of our way. Lucas did the same thing, though, when it was our turn. That was the hardest part...trying to hold a pose and not laugh or look at Lucas while the photographer was doing everything in her power to get him to grin. None of them turned out perfect. Either Mike looked drunk, I looked ugly, or Lucas wasn't looking or was half hidden behind his daddy. We picked the best one and moved on with our life. Maybe we will avoid going to the cheapest place next year. You get what you pay for.

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