
Early Bird

I am so not a morning person. Yet today I arose at the sick early time of 5 a.m. to run with my new partner, Tammy. We met at 5:30 for a 2 mile jog in the cold, misty, still pitch black, morning. I was home by 6 and crawled back into my flannel sheets (only slightly sweaty) for another hour and a half of snoozin'. Lucas really slept in this morning, but I didn't get to take full advantage of it. I do feel great, though, and we are doing it again on Thursday. Oh and for the record, Tammy, picked the time, not me. I wanted to do it in the evenings when our husbands were home to watch the kids (she has 3), but she is too tired by then. And I would prefer going a bit later in the a.m., but her husband leaves at 6:15 for work, so I'm stuck. It's that or run alone which was not really happening.

We passed another hardcore early runner on our way back to her place and I called out "Good Morning" in an entirely too chipper and overly loud voice for that time of day. Maybe I am a morning person after all.


running shoes said...

Yeah! Congratulations on the run- not the time of day. Glad to hear that you are back to hitting the pavement.

Amanda Lomonaco said...

It feels GREAT!! Such a nice time of year to get into it, too. Unfortunately, Tammy cancelled on me for Thursday (yet I ran on my own at a more normal time of day). Next week, we are starting up in the evenings at 5:30 when her husband gets home. Yippee!