
Party Hardy

My 3 year old son, Lucas, enjoying his birthday cake

This weekend, we celebrated Lucas' 3rd birthday. We had his party on his actual birthday (March 1) which fell on Saturday this year. It figures that on Friday, Lucas came down with a cold complete with snotty nose and horrible cough. Last year, we had to cancel and reschedule his party and finally cancel for good due to his and Emily's sickness. I was not going to do that again. He didn't really understand his party then, but this year he did and would have been really disappointed.

I called and warned all of the guests that Lucas had a cold. A couple families didn't make it to avoid his germs, but we still had a good sized party.

It was a fun time--the kids played pin the tail on the donkey, we all made our own pizzas, though Lucas refused to eat and asked to open his presents the whole meal. We took an intermission to open gifts so that he wouldn't explode with excitement (he's just like me in that regard). He got some fun things, too, including a bunch of puzzles, a Noah's Ark without Noah and his wife but Robin Hood and a hippie looking Maid Marion instead (what can I say...it was a cheap Craig's List buy;-), a stomp rocket, toy power tools, a lite bright, and a Lego construction truck set, among others. He was in heaven with all of the new toys.

After this we ate the cake I made him. He requested a boring vanilla cake with whipped cream frosting (he is NOT like me in this regard). I begged him to have at least a marble cake, or add something to the vanilla. Finally I convinced him to let me include a lemon layer. It turned out pretty great. Similar to my favorite birthday cake my mom always made me. He was enjoying it, the party was going smoothly. It was almost over...when he started to cough and was not stopping. He gets these fits periodically and especially when sleeping. The doctor says that his lungs tend to have an asthmatic response when he get sick. Yet the asthma medicine doesn't seem to help him. Hmmm...

Anyway, I picked him up and took him out of the room to try to calm him down. "Shhhh, buddy. Take deep breaths." And then he covered both of us with vomit. I don't know what he was throwing up, as he didn't really seem to eat anything but chips. Apparently he had eaten a whole lot of chips. So there you go. My most public dirty mom moment. This beat the time that he pooped on me as an infant in San Francisco as no one got to see that but Mike.

Happy Birthday, Luke. Next year, don't party til you puke!


running shoes said...

wow! sounds like a pretty rockin' party.

Katrina said...

Happy Belated Birthday Lucas!!