
Wacky Dream

I am in the process of looking for part time work and just blogged about lesbian kangaroos. These two came together early this morning in a strange dream.

It went like this: A friend offered me a job driving a cab for the Rainbow Cab Company. I asked what the company's colorful name meant. She told me that it worked in the gay community. I accepted the job and when I told Michael about it he said that he didn't know that there was such a thing as a gay cab company. Me either.

I woke up and told him about it. I was half asleep.

Me: I just dreamed that I got a job driving for a gay cab company.
Him: So, are you earning imaginary income?
Me: Yep, I'll buy you a little something with it.


Anonymous said...

Looking for a job is no fun. I suggest looking for a part-time job someplace you and Mike frequent alot. That way you could take advantage of a discount you would receive for working there. Thus making your income go farther.

Do grocery stores offer a discount to employees?

Katrina said...

That's pretty funny. Thanks for a good laugh here at 4:30am when I can't sleep...