

I had a Goldilocks moment today. No I did not break into someone's house, eat their porridge all up and then take a nap in their bed.

I broke my son's guitar/drum set stool while sitting on it and reading him a book. Sure, it felt a little wobbly and unstable, but I'm pretty light and thought that it would be ok. Then Emily needed comforting and I picked her up and cuddled her on my lap. Next thing you know, PLOP, I fell on my butt onto the floor.

So, now I feel like a big oaf and my boy has no more cool stool (though we have 4 other stools in the house). I guess that I should avoid sitting on them.

1 comment:

michael said...

Bummer! That stool was great because it was simple, light, easy for the kids to carry it from room to room, just the right height, etc.

Oh well.