Today I purchased the deal of the week from a lady selling her son's clothes on Craigs List. I tell you, I love that site. We also sold a loveseat on it today and I keep walking around the house trying to find more to get rid of. One of these days, Mike is going to come home and we will have no more bed...
Anyway, back to my find...I bought Lucas a ton of his new size clothes (3T) from her for just $15. It included 16 shirts, 1 shorts outfit, 3 pairs of pants, 2 sets of pjs, and a pair of shoes. All for the same amount that took from me. See blog below. Pretty great bargain.
When the woman that blessed us with such a great deal answered the door, I noticed that she had a black eye. A pretty obvious one. I automatically jumped in my head to the conclusion that someone hit her and assumed that it was her husband--that bastard!! I didn't know what to really think, if I should say anything, etc. I don't know her at all. You don't want to assume... she could be in a martial arts class, or be a klutz and bumped into something, or.... You don't want to seem like you don't care either. I said nothing about it. And did the only thing that I could think of that was appropriate and might help her. I prayed for her safety and for God to bless her for helping us out so much. Was there anything else that I could have/should have done?
I HATE being foolish with money. It is especially hard when money is so tight. Well, we just noticed an automatic withdrawl in our bank account from I had joined 3 months ago for $15 to get in contact with a dear friend whom I had lost touch with over the years. She was even in my wedding, so I thought that $15 was a good price for finding her. I would not have joined had it been more than that. We can't afford frivolous purchases these days.
Anyway, apparently Classmates has a little disclaimer when you join that you will automatically be billed when you expire. So, I received no reminder, nothing. They just went into my account and stole my money. And that $15 though it doesn't seem like a lot was half of what we had left to last us all week.
I pleaded with them tonight via email to give me my money back. I asked for a manager to contact me. We'll see how they handle it. If they don't refund me, I will certainly never give them business again. I am fuming over this.
And that friend, that I joined for...she never wrote me back.
Anyway, apparently Classmates has a little disclaimer when you join that you will automatically be billed when you expire. So, I received no reminder, nothing. They just went into my account and stole my money. And that $15 though it doesn't seem like a lot was half of what we had left to last us all week.
I pleaded with them tonight via email to give me my money back. I asked for a manager to contact me. We'll see how they handle it. If they don't refund me, I will certainly never give them business again. I am fuming over this.
And that friend, that I joined for...she never wrote me back.
More Sleep Inhibitors
- That darn nightingale that sings it's stinkin' head off at midnight, 4 am, etc. How can you silence a songbird?
- The police helicopter that circled and buzzed our cul-du-sac and general area for 15 or so minutes during nap time recently and then blared an alarming message: "Attention on the ground...there have been a string of burglaries in the area...the suspects are traveling on foot...Keep your doors locked."
- The new flannel sheets on our bed that are too hot.
- And the old roommate's alarm that would go off starting at 4 am and then he would snooze it 3-4 times (or longer on weekends or during the early evening hours).
Not So Refreshing Honesty
This evening we took a meal to Lucas' teacher who had surgery this week. I loaded the food in the front seat and went to the back to strap Lucas into his car seat.
Lucas: Ooooo, Mommy. There is a stinky smell. Is that YOU?
Me: (Horrified as I hadn't gotten a shower yet) Um, no. It's the dinner that we are taking to your teacher.
Great, my dinner had a stinky smell. Just what an unshowered dinner donor wants to hear.
Lucas: Ooooo, Mommy. There is a stinky smell. Is that YOU?
Me: (Horrified as I hadn't gotten a shower yet) Um, no. It's the dinner that we are taking to your teacher.
Great, my dinner had a stinky smell. Just what an unshowered dinner donor wants to hear.
Photo Shoot

The weather was beautiful yesterday and we were outside enjoying a lovely spring morning. I often have a hard time remembering to take pictures of the kids (the camera is never around when I see a good opportunity and I don't want to miss the moment to leave and find it). I took advantage of the pretty lighting, landscaping and cute kids and snapped quite a few. Most of them turned out well. Emily does pretty great with the camera. Maybe she doesn't even really realize what I am doing (as she is so unused to me taking her picture). Lucas is fairly uncooperative. He wants to "ham it up" instead of acting normal or asks to see the picture while I am taking it. The pose of him looking up in the air was his idea. And the shot of the kids by the bushes is a favorite spot of Emily's to hide.
On a similar note, Emily now loves to play hide and seek, a game that Lucas and I have been playing for months. Emily used to just stand there and look at me, giving away wherever I was hiding. Dang her. They don't have the game quite down, though, because they always tell or show me where they are hiding. Come find me in the closet mommy!
I had a Goldilocks moment today. No I did not break into someone's house, eat their porridge all up and then take a nap in their bed.
I broke my son's guitar/drum set stool while sitting on it and reading him a book. Sure, it felt a little wobbly and unstable, but I'm pretty light and thought that it would be ok. Then Emily needed comforting and I picked her up and cuddled her on my lap. Next thing you know, PLOP, I fell on my butt onto the floor.
So, now I feel like a big oaf and my boy has no more cool stool (though we have 4 other stools in the house). I guess that I should avoid sitting on them.
I broke my son's guitar/drum set stool while sitting on it and reading him a book. Sure, it felt a little wobbly and unstable, but I'm pretty light and thought that it would be ok. Then Emily needed comforting and I picked her up and cuddled her on my lap. Next thing you know, PLOP, I fell on my butt onto the floor.
So, now I feel like a big oaf and my boy has no more cool stool (though we have 4 other stools in the house). I guess that I should avoid sitting on them.
And the answer is...
Here is the answer to the radio contest that I thought for sure that I had right last week.
Q: What is it that men do that drives 90% of women crazy??
A: Leave the cap off the toothpaste.
Dumb, dumb, dumb. I've never had this problem, nor have I ever heard a woman complain about it. So I am not a part of the 90%, nor do I know anyone in that percent. Oh well.
Anyone ever driven crazy by this?
Q: What is it that men do that drives 90% of women crazy??
A: Leave the cap off the toothpaste.
Dumb, dumb, dumb. I've never had this problem, nor have I ever heard a woman complain about it. So I am not a part of the 90%, nor do I know anyone in that percent. Oh well.
Anyone ever driven crazy by this?
Yesterday we bought Lucas a Fisher Price doctors kit using a birthday gift card. Thanks Miss Christa, Mr. Demel, Andrew and Sam!! He loves it!
I showed him how it has all of the tools that the doctor uses: the stethoscope, the thermometer, the mouth and ear light. And then my little guys pipes up..."Where are the suckers?" I didn't know what he was talking about at first and then remembered.
The suckers are his favorite part of going to the doctors office. Our pediatrician has been handing sugar free suckers out for the past year or so to sweeten the appointment. In fact, Lucas often asks him for one the second he enters the exam room. It's a little embarrassing and cute all at once.
So Lucas naturally thought that his doctors kit should come with suckers. To him, that is an essential requirement of the visit. I think I'll surprise him with a dum dum the next time he goes to play doctor.
On a side note, Emily is not as fond of the toy as her brother has been chasing her around with the fake needle telling her come back and it won't hurt, etc.
I showed him how it has all of the tools that the doctor uses: the stethoscope, the thermometer, the mouth and ear light. And then my little guys pipes up..."Where are the suckers?" I didn't know what he was talking about at first and then remembered.
The suckers are his favorite part of going to the doctors office. Our pediatrician has been handing sugar free suckers out for the past year or so to sweeten the appointment. In fact, Lucas often asks him for one the second he enters the exam room. It's a little embarrassing and cute all at once.
So Lucas naturally thought that his doctors kit should come with suckers. To him, that is an essential requirement of the visit. I think I'll surprise him with a dum dum the next time he goes to play doctor.
On a side note, Emily is not as fond of the toy as her brother has been chasing her around with the fake needle telling her come back and it won't hurt, etc.
What up with people today? I think that technology has only assisted in making some ignorant people more rude.
Here is my example from today...
I received a piece of mail for our old roommate Matt, who moved out last week. I tried calling him, but got a strange woman's voice mail instead. I hung up and tried again, this time reaching Matt. I must have dialed wrong in the first place.
An hour or so later, I get this call:
Me: Hello.
Demanding Voice on the line: WHO IS THIS?
Me: Uh, this is Amanda.
Annoyed sounding voice: Did you call me?
Me thinking to myself: Who the hell is this?
Then it dawns on me, it is my accidental call. My wrong number. The lady whose voice mail I hung up on. That is who is calling me back now. Demanding to know why I called her.
Me: Yes, but I didn't mean to.
Voice: Sigh.
This is the second time in the past 6 months or so that I have received such a call. The last lady actually did yell something like "Why are you calling me?"
I don't get it. It is pretty easy to misdial and accidentally call someone. Why do some dumb people who have caller id think that it is acceptable to call back those who didn't leave a message? Obviously I didn't want to talk to you that bad. Get over yourself and stop bugging me!
Here is my example from today...
I received a piece of mail for our old roommate Matt, who moved out last week. I tried calling him, but got a strange woman's voice mail instead. I hung up and tried again, this time reaching Matt. I must have dialed wrong in the first place.
An hour or so later, I get this call:
Me: Hello.
Demanding Voice on the line: WHO IS THIS?
Me: Uh, this is Amanda.
Annoyed sounding voice: Did you call me?
Me thinking to myself: Who the hell is this?
Then it dawns on me, it is my accidental call. My wrong number. The lady whose voice mail I hung up on. That is who is calling me back now. Demanding to know why I called her.
Me: Yes, but I didn't mean to.
Voice: Sigh.
This is the second time in the past 6 months or so that I have received such a call. The last lady actually did yell something like "Why are you calling me?"
I don't get it. It is pretty easy to misdial and accidentally call someone. Why do some dumb people who have caller id think that it is acceptable to call back those who didn't leave a message? Obviously I didn't want to talk to you that bad. Get over yourself and stop bugging me!
Wacky Dream
I am in the process of looking for part time work and just blogged about lesbian kangaroos. These two came together early this morning in a strange dream.
It went like this: A friend offered me a job driving a cab for the Rainbow Cab Company. I asked what the company's colorful name meant. She told me that it worked in the gay community. I accepted the job and when I told Michael about it he said that he didn't know that there was such a thing as a gay cab company. Me either.
I woke up and told him about it. I was half asleep.
Me: I just dreamed that I got a job driving for a gay cab company.
Him: So, are you earning imaginary income?
Me: Yep, I'll buy you a little something with it.
It went like this: A friend offered me a job driving a cab for the Rainbow Cab Company. I asked what the company's colorful name meant. She told me that it worked in the gay community. I accepted the job and when I told Michael about it he said that he didn't know that there was such a thing as a gay cab company. Me either.
I woke up and told him about it. I was half asleep.
Me: I just dreamed that I got a job driving for a gay cab company.
Him: So, are you earning imaginary income?
Me: Yep, I'll buy you a little something with it.
Radio Contest
The question of the night on 100.5 The Zone was as follows:
What is it that men do that drive 90% of women CRAZY??
And crazy is meant in a bad way.
Well I called with the answer that I knew was correct. Of course, it is when men leave the seat up after peeing. Duh. 90% of women know that!
And I got through after dialing and redialing about a million times, all the while running on the treadmill and breathing heavily. The dj laughed at my answer and said that it was a good guess and even put me on the air. Perhaps it was because of my breathing. But I was wrong!
I now know the correct answer (or at least the lame one that he said was correct).
Anyone have any guesses before I reveal it?
What is it that men do that drive 90% of women CRAZY??
And crazy is meant in a bad way.
Well I called with the answer that I knew was correct. Of course, it is when men leave the seat up after peeing. Duh. 90% of women know that!
And I got through after dialing and redialing about a million times, all the while running on the treadmill and breathing heavily. The dj laughed at my answer and said that it was a good guess and even put me on the air. Perhaps it was because of my breathing. But I was wrong!
I now know the correct answer (or at least the lame one that he said was correct).
Anyone have any guesses before I reveal it?
Lesbian Kangaroos
Today we picked up the remaining animals for Lucas' Noah's Ark. A few were missing when I bought it used on Craig's List recently. Noah and his wife (Can anyone name her?? It isn't in my Bible) were MIA, too, but the sellers couldn't find them after an extensive search. So Robin Hood and Maid Marion it is...
Anyway, we now have some kinky kangaroos on his Little People boat. They gave us another mama in a pink bow with a joey in her pouch. Certainly this is not how Noah had it or there would be no post-flood kangaroos! Unless of course that the babies mated...huh. Maybe our kangaroos aren't so gay after all?
Just made me chuckle...
I hope that my blog isn't blocked from Michael's work with a racy title like this!
Anyway, we now have some kinky kangaroos on his Little People boat. They gave us another mama in a pink bow with a joey in her pouch. Certainly this is not how Noah had it or there would be no post-flood kangaroos! Unless of course that the babies mated...huh. Maybe our kangaroos aren't so gay after all?
Just made me chuckle...
I hope that my blog isn't blocked from Michael's work with a racy title like this!
Party Hardy
My 3 year old son, Lucas, enjoying his birthday cake
This weekend, we celebrated Lucas' 3rd birthday. We had his party on his actual birthday (March 1) which fell on Saturday this year. It figures that on Friday, Lucas came down with a cold complete with snotty nose and horrible cough. Last year, we had to cancel and reschedule his party and finally cancel for good due to his and Emily's sickness. I was not going to do that again. He didn't really understand his party then, but this year he did and would have been really disappointed.
I called and warned all of the guests that Lucas had a cold. A couple families didn't make it to avoid his germs, but we still had a good sized party.
It was a fun time--the kids played pin the tail on the donkey, we all made our own pizzas, though Lucas refused to eat and asked to open his presents the whole meal. We took an intermission to open gifts so that he wouldn't explode with excitement (he's just like me in that regard). He got some fun things, too, including a bunch of puzzles, a Noah's Ark without Noah and his wife but Robin Hood and a hippie looking Maid Marion instead (what can I was a cheap Craig's List buy;-), a stomp rocket, toy power tools, a lite bright, and a Lego construction truck set, among others. He was in heaven with all of the new toys.
After this we ate the cake I made him. He requested a boring vanilla cake with whipped cream frosting (he is NOT like me in this regard). I begged him to have at least a marble cake, or add something to the vanilla. Finally I convinced him to let me include a lemon layer. It turned out pretty great. Similar to my favorite birthday cake my mom always made me. He was enjoying it, the party was going smoothly. It was almost over...when he started to cough and was not stopping. He gets these fits periodically and especially when sleeping. The doctor says that his lungs tend to have an asthmatic response when he get sick. Yet the asthma medicine doesn't seem to help him. Hmmm...
Anyway, I picked him up and took him out of the room to try to calm him down. "Shhhh, buddy. Take deep breaths." And then he covered both of us with vomit. I don't know what he was throwing up, as he didn't really seem to eat anything but chips. Apparently he had eaten a whole lot of chips. So there you go. My most public dirty mom moment. This beat the time that he pooped on me as an infant in San Francisco as no one got to see that but Mike.
Happy Birthday, Luke. Next year, don't party til you puke!
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