My newest little one, Emily Faith Lomonaco, made her grand enterance into the world yesterday, September 27th at 9:22 am. My labor was insanely fast (less than 4 hours) and pretty darn easy. I came to the hospital and was unknowingly fully dialated. Sheesh, and I thought that they were going to send me home because my contractions were irregular and slowing down. After I felt the urge to push and did so, she was out after only one contraction (within a few minutes).
I feel great and my beautiful little girl is doing well, too. Big brother, Lucas, loves his new sissy and even kissed her today and Mike is a proud new daddy of a daughter this time. More blogs with pictures to follow...
No Baby
I am still very much with child and beginning to think that this will always be the case. Though the little one is not yet overdue, I am a little miffed that it hasn't made it's grand appearance. Being this pregnant SUCKS. I am so darn uncomfortable all of the time now. Oh and I am sick on top of it all. Grrrrrrrr.
Todays drs appointment revealed that I am only slightly dialated and my now bald headed enemy (the doctor that I wanted to kiss for calling me thin a month ago), told me that he wouldn't be surprised if he saw me at my next week's appointment. That is absolutely unacceptable as it is after my October 1 due date. Hmph.
Hurry up little one, mama's going crazy.
Todays drs appointment revealed that I am only slightly dialated and my now bald headed enemy (the doctor that I wanted to kiss for calling me thin a month ago), told me that he wouldn't be surprised if he saw me at my next week's appointment. That is absolutely unacceptable as it is after my October 1 due date. Hmph.
Hurry up little one, mama's going crazy.
Yeah for Aunt Katie!!
She's coming, she's coming. Aunt Katie (my sister) is coming early!
I have been feeling pretty stressed out lately, with all of the upcoming things happening with us in the nearby future. The move is this Saturday and there is still so much to be done (packing, painting, etc.). I have a baby shower on Saturday, too, which means that I can't help much with the move--darn it;-). Our house is on the market and can be shown at anytime, though it is a wreck with all of the packing boxes. And then there is the new little Lomonaco who will be arriving any day now (officially the due date is in 2 and a half weeks).
Katie's plan was to be on a plane to come help out with Lucas as soon as I am in labor (or as soon as she could get a ticket when I called her). A neighbor would watch him until she could get here. That really made me nervous, though. What if the neighbor was out of town (they are planning a trip right around my due date)? What if it took Katie days to get here? What if my labor is only hours long? My first one was pretty quick, so I don't think that I have much time to get to the hospital this time around. The getting Lucas cared for logistics all around stink.
I called Katie yesterday and pleaded with her to come out NOW. And my sweet sister agreed. She'll be here on Friday to help out. We are so excited to have her. What a awesome blessing and weight off my shoulders. I just hope that her new niece or nephew awaits her arrival.
I have been feeling pretty stressed out lately, with all of the upcoming things happening with us in the nearby future. The move is this Saturday and there is still so much to be done (packing, painting, etc.). I have a baby shower on Saturday, too, which means that I can't help much with the move--darn it;-). Our house is on the market and can be shown at anytime, though it is a wreck with all of the packing boxes. And then there is the new little Lomonaco who will be arriving any day now (officially the due date is in 2 and a half weeks).
Katie's plan was to be on a plane to come help out with Lucas as soon as I am in labor (or as soon as she could get a ticket when I called her). A neighbor would watch him until she could get here. That really made me nervous, though. What if the neighbor was out of town (they are planning a trip right around my due date)? What if it took Katie days to get here? What if my labor is only hours long? My first one was pretty quick, so I don't think that I have much time to get to the hospital this time around. The getting Lucas cared for logistics all around stink.
I called Katie yesterday and pleaded with her to come out NOW. And my sweet sister agreed. She'll be here on Friday to help out. We are so excited to have her. What a awesome blessing and weight off my shoulders. I just hope that her new niece or nephew awaits her arrival.
Last night while out to dinner, daddy taught Lucas a fun new game. How to stick food to his face. Lucas loved it but instead of putting the corn on his nose like daddy showed him, he shoved it right up his nostril as far as it would go. I tried to get it out by picking it and only managed to push it up further (duh). We all thought that it was pretty funny for a few moments, tried to get Lucas to blow his nose and dislogde the kernal, but it wasn't working. His smile faded pretty quickly and he started to get annoyed by it after a few minutes, sneezing and rubbing his nostril. "Mama, mama..." he called out as he rubbed his sore nose. What the heck were we going to do? We were in the middle of our dinner at a restaraunt and our kid's nose was all plugged up with corn. Luckily, soon it came loose, hung from his red nostril and Mike was able to push it out. It was a huge kernal! Oi. Hopefully, Lucas learned not to do that again.
Botched Beauty
I've been getting pampered a bit to prepare for the new baby who could be coming any day now. Less than 4 weeks and counting.
Last week, I went in for a 6 month overdue hair cut. The stylist asked if I wanted my long hair layered for a bit more style (translation: you have no style). I told her sure, but informed her that as a mom I rarely have time to do anything with it, even blow it dry. I am lucky to get it washed every day. So, she layered away and kept saying how cute it would look when I took the time to do it. Well, I don't ever have the time(as I told her before she cut it) and now my new layered locks look like crap everyday. Like they been chewed on. And come to think of it, that is accurate. Lucas does love to eat my hair. Hmmmm.
Sunday, I went in for a pedicure. I wanted something to be pretty about me during labor. I also figured that freshly painted toes could be a focal point to take my mind off the excruciating pain or the duration of the pushing. Maybe not. Well the lady didn't cut my claws which were at least a month long until I asked her to trim them a bit. She then proceeded to hack them off entirely too short and now the nubby nails look rather retarded in their bright red, obvious polish.
So glad that I bothered getting beautified. Now I feel like a big troll.
Last week, I went in for a 6 month overdue hair cut. The stylist asked if I wanted my long hair layered for a bit more style (translation: you have no style). I told her sure, but informed her that as a mom I rarely have time to do anything with it, even blow it dry. I am lucky to get it washed every day. So, she layered away and kept saying how cute it would look when I took the time to do it. Well, I don't ever have the time(as I told her before she cut it) and now my new layered locks look like crap everyday. Like they been chewed on. And come to think of it, that is accurate. Lucas does love to eat my hair. Hmmmm.
Sunday, I went in for a pedicure. I wanted something to be pretty about me during labor. I also figured that freshly painted toes could be a focal point to take my mind off the excruciating pain or the duration of the pushing. Maybe not. Well the lady didn't cut my claws which were at least a month long until I asked her to trim them a bit. She then proceeded to hack them off entirely too short and now the nubby nails look rather retarded in their bright red, obvious polish.
So glad that I bothered getting beautified. Now I feel like a big troll.
I have been anything but graceful lately. In the past few days, I broke 2 glasses. And yesterday at church, I fell when attempting to sit down in a prayer group. I completely missed the chair, fell on my butt and rolled back, feet in the air. It must have been a pretty picture. I also tossed the cup of water that I was holding. Good thing it wasn't in a glass or my record would have been 3 shattered glasses for the week. Luckily, too, I was not wearing a dress or that would have made the situation even more awkward. What a klutz!
Is that REAL?

Oh check out Mike's updates of our family site here. There are new photos of the baby in the womb and recent pictures and videos of Lucas.
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