A week ago today, my little Emily turned six months old. She's halfway to a year already. Wow, it really flies.
What's new with her now that she is such a big girl? Well, she eats solid food at last (only rice cereal so far) and seems to tolerate it. She is still sleeping pretty great at night. Last week she awoke in the middle of the night for the first time in months! And most mornings she sleeps in (compared to her brother for sure) until 6:30 or 7. I certainly can't complain about that. Her sleep is also finally occurring in her crib now, after almost 6 months in a playpen (the crib was at the old house for staging). She's rolling and bearing weight on her legs. I think that she will be sitting up any day now, too. She tries to whenever she is in a reclined position, such as in her bouncy chair or high chair. Emily also screams when she laughs, which is just how her Aunt Katie used to laugh. So cute! No teeth yet, though she has been drooling like crazy and chewing on everything in sight for months.
Today I bought her her first pair of patent leather shoes and a beautiful pink Easter dress to go with them. It is certainly fun dressing a little girl for a change! Even if she will most likely try to stick her patent leather clad toe in her mouth. Mmmph.
She is so cute and looks so happy. Thanks for the update and pictures.
She is definitely a cutie. You took good pictures too Amanda. For an interesting comparison, check out pictures of Lucas at six months old by clicking on the links below.
Open mouthed
Eating foot (same foot even)
Pretty striking similarities, I think.
Oops. I just realized that he's eating the other foot. Oh well.
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