We had another wonderful time together as a family on Sunday afternoon. The weather was absolutely perfect out (70's, breezy, sunny and no humidity) so we took a late afternoon walk to a park and down a nearby trail.
Lucas, who often wants to be held instead of walking on his own, had a blast and ran for a good 1/2 mile or so with me (that's my boy!!). He also had fun exploring hills, trees, puddles and a creek with daddy and mommy.
Emily sat upright (normal) in the stroller for the first time, rather than in her car seat and attached in. She seemed to enjoy herself, but then fell asleep for the last half of the walk until a barking dog woke her up.
Why can't all days be this marvelous? I suppose if they were, I wouldn't appreciate them as much.
Love those pics! How fun and precious! Glad you had good family time!
wow! the view looks amaz-za-zing.
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