
Potty Humor

I often wonder what it is that I am eating that causes my daughter to poop like she is launching a rocket. It explodes straight up the back of her diaper and out onto her clothes all the time. I've even gone up in diaper size (she is only one size below her brother now) thinking that that was the problem. Nope, she still takes colossal craps even in her roomy size 3's.

Speaking of her brother...today he pooped for the first time in a couple days and boy was that fun. He literally frosted his entire leg with the stuff. It took me about 20 wipes to get him clean enough to stick in the bathtub.

The other day, he pooped while sitting on the potty. He felt it come out and excitedly stood and spun around to see his glorious accomplishment. Unfortunately, this caused it to fling to the floor instead of landing in his potty. And lucky me got to pick it up.

It stinks to be a mom sometimes.


running shoes said...

pretty literally i'd say

michael said...

You should have taken pictures to post. I mean, who wouldn't want to see that?

Amanda Lomonaco said...

Alright, gross Mike. A picture would have taken it to a whole notha level.

Katrina said...

I can totally relate to the diaper explosion. Just yesterday Ian was playing on the floor and crawled over to me smelling something terrible. I picked him up and saw the tell tail stain oozing through his clothing. When I got into the nursery I found it not only running down one leg, but also up his back. We must have used 15 wipes or so alone on him before putting him in the tub, and then another 5 cleaning up his clothing before I dared putting it in the washing machine.

Congrats on the progress Lucas is making on the potty. At least he's excited about his accomplishments! Hopefully next time it makes it in the pot! Great story though.