
Back in the Saddle

Well, I am finally a runner again. I just got back from a 3 miler with my new partner, Sharon (note that her name rhymes with Karin, my precious running pal for several years in Orlando).

We also bought a treadmill this week so that I will have no excuses anymore, valid as they were. It has been tough to get out there with sick kids, nasty weather (though we have gone in the rain several times--so hardcore;-), my partner canceling and it is too late at night or early in the morning to go by myself safely, etc.

I was beginning to doubt that I could pull off the California International Marathon (CIM) this year. But now I am feeling like it is a very reachable goal. I am also really excited to have something to challenge me and to shoot for besides taming a testy toddler whose new favorite words are "NO" and "MINE."

Anyone want to join me? Karin, Jen, Katie, Lina...you know you wanna.

It's good to be up and running again.


running shoes said...

ooo, ooo, pick me. When is it? I may be up for it. Congrats on the new treadmill. Doesn't it feel good.

Amanda Lomonaco said...

I pick you!! It is December 2. Plenty of time to train, right? And check this out...Runner's World Magazine ranks the CIM in the top five marathons in the U.S. as a Boston Marathon Qualifier and lists it as one of the world's best small marathons!

Do you want to do Boston? I sure do.

michael said...

If you need to bring Travis, then I could probably handle watching all three kids at home while you both run.

If you didn't bring Travis though, then I could take our kiddos to watch you both go by and cheer you on.

It would maybe be a little too challenging to keep track of all three of them in the crowds though. Not to mention the logistics of stroller, snacks, diapers, etc.

Amanda Lomonaco said...

Or the hubby can come, too, and both guys can take the kids to see us!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the invitation! But I haven't even been to the gym in months (and they even have childcare); What's my excuse!?! --Lina