
Terrific Twos

Tomorrow (March 1) my son turns 2. They call it the terrible twos, but I am determined for it to be terrific instead.

Two years ago tomorrow, I became a mama. On this night, two years ago, I had no clue what my life would become. How little of me would be left. Yet how much I would love my child and do nearly anything to keep him safe and healthy and happy.

I am tired. He was up this morning at 5:30 am. I was up at 4ish anticipating his early morning alarm.

I must go wrap his gifts now and get some rest so I can party with him in the wee hours of his birthday.

Happy Birthday, dear Lucas. My little early bird. I'll never forget how amazed I was with your eyes the first time you looked at me. You are my sweet little butter bean. My big boy. Mama loves you so much, even though I don't seem too excited when you burst in my room when it is still black out. You make me smile even then with your overly chipper greeting.

Hmmm...Maybe I will wake him up in the morning;-).


Katrina said...

Happy Birthday Lucas! Wow, two years old already! Hope you all have a wonderful fun day together.

running shoes said...

Lucas, Happy Birthday!
I hope that you slept in a little this morning to give your mama a few more minutes of sleep. Congratulations on being two!