
Eight Legged Killer

I am not a fan of spiders. With all there legs (and eyes), they kind of creep me out. Plus they bite and jump and make webs all over my house--inside even--gotta love it. Thank goodness for the Swiffer duster. We have a little bit of a problem with them here. In Florida, houses got roaches. Here we have spiders. I think that I would take spiders over roaches, yet I worry that one will bite Lucas in his crib (or me). I've found and exterminated several pretty big, threatening-looking ones by vacuuming them up in his room. I'm afraid to squish the big ones for fear that they will attack me. I know, I know...I'm pretty girly when it comes to bugs. I used to call Mike in tears, long distance when I was in college and discovered a roach in my apartment. "Help me kill it," I would squeal.

This weekend, I discovered a ton of babies nesting by our front door (luckily outside). I found and bought a spray that claimed to kill spiders and used it on them yesterday afternoon. I don't want hundreds of new spiders to infest our house. I checked on them an hour or so later and they seemed dead. Then I spied their pissed off mother lying in wait for their killer. No joke, it was a black widow the size of a silver dollar. I wonder how many of her husbands she ate to get that big. I got the spray and doused her too praying that she wouldn't jump on me. After this, I was actually afraid to go out my door for the rest of the day, though I did. I called Mike to warn him about her waiting in the doorway. I either made her madder or killed her and I didn't want to take any chances with my husband. To be sure, he squished her when he got home. I went out and checked the spider carcass and indeed it was the poisonous kind. Glad that I killed the babies, too. Eeeek!

1 comment:

running shoes said...

just reading your story gave me chills.