

I had one yesterday. They happen every now and then. How come no one ever told me just how flippin' TOUGH this mom business is? Or maybe they did and I just shrugged it off like I did the warnings about the first year of marriage. I wish that I could enjoy it more. I am a bit of a type A basketcase which doesn't help me mellow out and just go with things. I feel better today after getting all liquored up. Just kidding, no booze, but I do feel more sane and happy.


Anonymous said...

Really and truly parenting can be sooooo difficult and thankless at times. Hang in there. But don't really expect your son or daughter to appreciate all that you've done until he/she becomes a parent.

Unknown said...

sorry you had a breakdown. if it makes you feel any better, i had a breakdown every day for the first 6 weeks of my new job. liquor helps. lots of it. (j/k)

someone should've told us that growing up is really overrated...