
Spit and Vinegar

Is the expression really piss and vinegar? Well whatever it is, my daughter is full of it sometimes.

Emily, my second child, is full of sass. She puts up with nothing, as her older brother tries to muscle her around. One of her favorite expressions is "Go Away (sometimes followed by mama, much to my delight)." She alternates this fun phrase with "Leave me ALONE." Often she says one of these while swinging her arm to knock over whoever is invading her space. And she growls it with this mean, raspy voice that you wouldn't imagine could come out of such a cute little thing. My little spitfire is not playing and will not be pushed around.

So here is an example of how her little feisty personality came out today...

One of my friends in my mom's group commented that Emily had such cute little sandals on.

And not knowing how to take the compliment my sweet 23 month old, yells (in her gruff, mean voice, of course), "NO!! EMILY'S SHOES!"

"Don't worry, Emily. I won't take your shoes." said the friend.

I am sure that Emily was saying "Go away" in her head, but I coerced her to sweetly say "Thank You" instead.

I have been trying to teach her that it is not ok to say "Go away" all of the time. And sometimes during these lessons, she whispers it to me.

What a stinker!


running shoes said...

it's amazing how kids who appear to be so sweet and innocent can be such, well, sinners.

Katrina said...

what a little stinker. Maybe it's just that 2 year old phase...