
Future Ambitions

This week, Lucas shared some of his aspirations with me.

"When I grow up, I want to be an acrobat, a ballerina and a dentist."

Lately we play acrobats on a daily basis, rolling around on the floor, trying to stand on our heads, balancing him up in the air on my feet, etc. Ballerina??? We do have a ballerina puzzle. And dentist?? He does like to brush his teeth (and wants to do it all by himself, though I rarely let him and I always follow up with the paste myself, just to be sure).

Today he added a new one to the list after we toured a local fire station with my mom's group. As a side note: It was an amazing field trip as one of the mom's in the group got her husband, fireman Dennis, to give us the grand tour. We saw their bedroom, kitchen, big screen TV, got to ride in the truck and spray the hose, hold their various tools, the kids even got "Fire Chief" helmets. My kids, especially Lucas, were in heaven. Even Emily got a turn with the hose. So fun...

I was talking about our memorable day at dinner and Lucas then added that he wanted to be a fireman someday. Actually earlier in the day he had said that when he was bigger he was going to go into the fire station and say "Can I drive the firetruck? Yes or No?" He makes me smile.

Another thing that made me chuckle was when we asked Emily at the table what she wanted to be when she grows up and she said emphatically, "Spiderman" with a straight, serious face.


Anna said...

cute stuff! thanks for sharing!

running shoes said...

i wish you could be my running partner too!

this is too cute! both your kids have pretty busy futures. you'd better get Em into a super heros class ASAP. As for Lucas, maybe buy him a tutu for Christmas (sorry michael- for even suggesting this publicly)