
Before & After


michael said...

You know, we really should have had you be serious or frown in the "before" picture, then smiling in the "after" picture.

Other ideas would be to have had you in frumpy clothes before and a neatly pressed blouse after. Baggy eyes and no makeup before and nicely made up after, etc.

I think you look really good with the new do though.

Anonymous said...

Well you can't beat your husband telling you that he thinks you look "really good"! I like the short cut and all of your reasons for doing it - I hope that it has made things a bit easier for you!

Amanda Lomonaco said...

Thanks, Michael and Kristin!!

Too bad I look like I ate too many carrots or over did it with self tanner in the first one and look like an ugly troll on the second one. I had a better picture of me smiling, but the hair didn't look as cute. And it is all about the hair...

Katrina said...

Your hair looks great! Looks like you still have some length there, so I'm sure that makes Mike happy. I need to jump on the same wagon one of these days and cut my hair too. It's really starting to get too long.

running shoes said...

so just curious... why are do you look so sad in the 'after' picture? your hair looks FABULOUS!

Amanda Lomonaco said...

Thanks. Good that I look fabulous even when appearing sad. Mike was trying to get me looking sultry and it came out just plain ugly. Oh well.

running shoes said...

sultry...oh...but definately not ugly!

Anonymous said...

Very cute! You have amazing hair, and can honestly do any style, I think. I'm Jealous...
This makes me want to cut my locks too...