
Small World

We did end up taking the trip to Oregon this weekend and it was fabulous, perhaps our best vacation yet and we have had some good ones. I will devote an entry to that soon, but in the meantime here was a random, small world experience that we had while on the road.

At a gas station in a small town in Oregon, a station where we were not even allowed to pump our own gas (apparently it is a law there?!), a woman struck up a conversation with my husband.

She commented about his UCF shirt--which stands for University of Central Florida-- where he went to college. She had attended another Florida school, UF or University of Florida. I stuck my head out the door and said mockingly, "You're a GATOR?!" UF was my college's arch rival. I went to FSU or Florida State University.

So at a Chevron station in a podunk town in Oregon, we had three of Florida's universities represented. Pretty cool. And to make it even more coincidental, it turns out that the Gator lady had also attended my high school but 10 years before me.


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