At least someone thinks so.
Emily is becoming more and more precious and aware every day. She greets me with her beautiful smile every morning when I get her out of bed. Most infants scream to be fed first thing in the morning. She wakes up happy and content around 7:30 am after sleeping all night long!! That is better than her almost 2 year old brother does. He has been a crazy morning person lately, awakening sometime during the five o'clock hour much to our dismay.
The dietary restrictions may be a big pain in the rumpus, but Emily sure is a sweet, easy going kid to make up for it.
Oh she is precious!!!
Now, let's talk about the word "rumpus." I love that word. It always reminds me of Carousel of Progress at Magic Kingdom. There's a scene where they have to take down wallpaper in the Rumpus Room. It always makes me giggle. Know what I'm talking about?
Rumpus Room sounds familiar. I always loved the Carousel of Progress. Is that still there?
Miss you, too, Christa. Wish that you all could come over to play today!
It was so nice to talk to both of you last week!!
Yup, the Carousel is still there. "There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day...."
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