
Like a Sailor

My boy started cussin' tonight. It was bound to happen. I just didn't expect it until middle school or so. A drop of butter fell from his bread onto the plate and he said, "CRAP."

I wasn't sure if I had heard him right.

"What did you say, Lucas?"


Yep, I heard him loud and clear that time.

"Where did you learn that word?"


So I will let Grandpa take credit for teaching my little boy to swear, but really he probably picked up crap from me. I do let the occasional crap or worse slip out accidentally.


michael said...

Phew! I'm glad he didn't say that he learned it from me.

I try to be careful, but if you read my blog then you'll know that I don't completely object to using them once in a while, if only to add emphasis.

Also, while I really don't want my three year old saying it, is "crap" really a curse word? Perhaps just a slight bump up from "darn"?

running shoes said...

you two are way cute! please post all of your parenting wisdom... so that we can be cool parents too.