We returned our library books today. The large stack included a board book that Emily threw up on during a coughing fit in her bed recently (she now has asthema like her brother--JOY!). I cleaned it up as best as I could with wipes and Lysol. I told the librarian about it and said that I was prepared to buy the puked upon book. She looked it over and determined that it didn't appear damaged.
So...all of you locals, don't let your kids cuddle too much with the library book "Hugs." If you see it on the rack, maybe pass it on by...
We also let Lucas read his library books while pooping on the potty. Wasn't there a Seinfeld where George took a book into the restroom and the was forced to buy it/couldn't return it? Hmmmm...
The Haps
Today my butt hurts. We did squats yesterday and I am feeling it. I love (and hate) the pain!! Our new, somewhat lofty goal is to try getting up one morning at 5:30 am to work out, and hopefully one evening and weekend morning, too. I also want to get in 3 runs per week, one of them being a long run. I am really going need to start getting serious about this if I want to be able to complete the CIM (California International Marathon) with my sister in December and not walk (er...limp) away injured like I did last time. These workout goals are pretty lofty as we have had weeks go by with no gym workouts together and me only getting a run or two in, but I hope that we succeed. Maybe more exercise will help me not feel so darn tired all of the time. Such a catch-22, though, because I often feel too tired to be motivated to exercise.
We are planning on doing The Bay to Breakers 12K in San Francisco in a few weeks. It is a very unique event where most runners dress up in costume (and some even illegally don their birthday suits). I plan to be Wonder Woman and I think that Mike will be running as a cow.
Oh and we had a new roommate move in this weekend. Jeanette is Michael's age, sweet, quiet and great with kids. In fact, she now teaches at a Montessori school and was previously a nanny. Lucas was kissing her at dinner on the night that she moved in which is really quick for him to be won over. I think that it will be a really great thing for us and her.
We are planning on doing The Bay to Breakers 12K in San Francisco in a few weeks. It is a very unique event where most runners dress up in costume (and some even illegally don their birthday suits). I plan to be Wonder Woman and I think that Mike will be running as a cow.
Oh and we had a new roommate move in this weekend. Jeanette is Michael's age, sweet, quiet and great with kids. In fact, she now teaches at a Montessori school and was previously a nanny. Lucas was kissing her at dinner on the night that she moved in which is really quick for him to be won over. I think that it will be a really great thing for us and her.
Road Rash
I suggested that he turn around in our neighbors driveway to head home. He did so, but went over the curb, lost his balance and flew from the bike, hitting his head and face on the street. I watched it happen from a few feet away. I heard the sickening thump of my child's skull connecting with the road. He started screaming and I ran to him and scooped him up in my arms. I was too scared to look at his face, for fear that he had knocked out a tooth or scraped up his handsome cheeks. I just held my screaming son to me and walked home, leaving the bike in a heap behind.
Emily was across the street in our driveway when it happened and walked into the street to help her brother. "Lukie, Lukie" she called walking across the street with her arms out. I hustled over to her to get her to safety.
I took Lucas home and realized that he was screaming now for his bike and his shoe that he apparently lost when he fell. I set him down to retrieve his things and was so relieved to see that some splotchy road rash was the only injury that he suffered. His mouth and teeth were intact and there was no blood on his face. Praise God!
And today one of the first things that we did was to buy him that darn helmet that I have been putting off.
Like a Sailor
My boy started cussin' tonight. It was bound to happen. I just didn't expect it until middle school or so. A drop of butter fell from his bread onto the plate and he said, "CRAP."
I wasn't sure if I had heard him right.
"What did you say, Lucas?"
Yep, I heard him loud and clear that time.
"Where did you learn that word?"
So I will let Grandpa take credit for teaching my little boy to swear, but really he probably picked up crap from me. I do let the occasional crap or worse slip out accidentally.
I wasn't sure if I had heard him right.
"What did you say, Lucas?"
Yep, I heard him loud and clear that time.
"Where did you learn that word?"
So I will let Grandpa take credit for teaching my little boy to swear, but really he probably picked up crap from me. I do let the occasional crap or worse slip out accidentally.
And Speaking of That...
Emily went poopy in the potty today!! I don't want to get my hopes up, but maybe she will train early. She has been going pee pee periodically for a couple months, too. What a big girl!! It helps that she always wants to do what her big brother does.
All Because of a Coat
We met Michael for lunch yesterday at a KFC near his office. The man in front of me in line was wearing a Miami Hurricanes jacket. The Hurricanes were another arch rival of my college football team, the Florida State Seminoles.
It is always neat to meet someone from back home, too, so I said something about his jacket. We struck up an easy conversation about Florida and college football rivalries. He told us that he was in town for a Lutheran Pastors Conference.
"Oh, my best friend grew up Lutheran. In fact, her mother, Carol, works for a Lutheran office in Orlando."
"Carol, you know Carol?! I grew up with Carol in Fort Lauderdale. She used to be a dental hygienist and worked on my teeth."
What a fun small world experience!
So Carol...
Pastor Jim (I think that was his name??) in Tampa is visiting Sacramento, happened to run into your daughter's best friend at a KFC and says "Hi." If he is single, I think that you should consider marrying him!;-). Pretty coincidental.
It is always neat to meet someone from back home, too, so I said something about his jacket. We struck up an easy conversation about Florida and college football rivalries. He told us that he was in town for a Lutheran Pastors Conference.
"Oh, my best friend grew up Lutheran. In fact, her mother, Carol, works for a Lutheran office in Orlando."
"Carol, you know Carol?! I grew up with Carol in Fort Lauderdale. She used to be a dental hygienist and worked on my teeth."
What a fun small world experience!
So Carol...
Pastor Jim (I think that was his name??) in Tampa is visiting Sacramento, happened to run into your daughter's best friend at a KFC and says "Hi." If he is single, I think that you should consider marrying him!;-). Pretty coincidental.
Surprise Dinner Guests
The authorities paid me a visit again. This time they made a house call right in the middle of dinner.
Instead of it being a California Highway Patrolman racing after me on the freeway, it was the Roseville Fire Department, 3 firefighters and their shiny red truck all in our front yard.
We heard the truck rumble up and I hoped aloud that it might be UPS delivering a surprise package. WooHoo, what could it be?
Michael said that he thought it sounded like a bigger truck than UPS, maybe a even fire truck.
And Lucas excitedly chimed in, "Maybe the fire truck is coming to rescue me!" From what, we will never know? Hey, my dinner wasn't that bad;-).
Michael got up, looked out the window and confirmed that it was a fire truck. No package for me, but still kind of exciting. What is going on? My thoughts immediately flashed to the girls that I had corrected 30 minutes or so earlier for laying in the middle cul-du-sac (eating popsicles and lying in the road--so smart). "Girls, that is not a safe thing for you to do." I prayed that they had not foolishly laid back in the street and gotten hit.
We all jumped up to peer out and see what was going on and were shocked to see the uniforms coming out of the truck and heading up our driveway. What the?
They had received a call from a neighbor in the neighborhood behind us reporting smoke in our backyard. They had even given our address. Hmmm, no smoke back there and I hadn't even burned dinner. Weird. I wondered how neighbors behind us would know our street address, but shrugged it off.
I put it all together just now, hours later. I think that those girls played a prank on us to get back at me for scolding them. They called 911 and reported a disturbance at our house. Would a couple of 7-year-old girls do such a thing? I made lots of prank calls when I was a kid, but never one like that!
They both seem like sassy girls with little adult supervision or respect for authority. They walk around the neighborhood like they own the place, even sometimes peering in our windows, picking our landscaping (flowers) and playing in our front yard. I've corrected them before about these things and wonder sometimes if I am being a mean, crabby woman. The kind that yells at the kids to stay out of her flower beds, but I don't know, I feel like they should know better. I teach my kids to stay out of people's yards. It is not polite to trespass. And come on, we have flowers and pretty things in our yard to make it look nice and to enjoy. Not so that the neighbor kids can wear flowers in their hair and play flower girls by littering the rose petals all over the sidewalk. Pick your own darn landscaping! But I digress...
Well, if nothing else, the surprise fire department visit provided us with some dinnertime excitement! Lucas loved seeing his heroes come to our house.
Now what to do about the sassafras potential pranksters? Making a false 911 call is a pretty serious offense!!
Instead of it being a California Highway Patrolman racing after me on the freeway, it was the Roseville Fire Department, 3 firefighters and their shiny red truck all in our front yard.
We heard the truck rumble up and I hoped aloud that it might be UPS delivering a surprise package. WooHoo, what could it be?
Michael said that he thought it sounded like a bigger truck than UPS, maybe a even fire truck.
And Lucas excitedly chimed in, "Maybe the fire truck is coming to rescue me!" From what, we will never know? Hey, my dinner wasn't that bad;-).
Michael got up, looked out the window and confirmed that it was a fire truck. No package for me, but still kind of exciting. What is going on? My thoughts immediately flashed to the girls that I had corrected 30 minutes or so earlier for laying in the middle cul-du-sac (eating popsicles and lying in the road--so smart). "Girls, that is not a safe thing for you to do." I prayed that they had not foolishly laid back in the street and gotten hit.
We all jumped up to peer out and see what was going on and were shocked to see the uniforms coming out of the truck and heading up our driveway. What the?
They had received a call from a neighbor in the neighborhood behind us reporting smoke in our backyard. They had even given our address. Hmmm, no smoke back there and I hadn't even burned dinner. Weird. I wondered how neighbors behind us would know our street address, but shrugged it off.
I put it all together just now, hours later. I think that those girls played a prank on us to get back at me for scolding them. They called 911 and reported a disturbance at our house. Would a couple of 7-year-old girls do such a thing? I made lots of prank calls when I was a kid, but never one like that!
They both seem like sassy girls with little adult supervision or respect for authority. They walk around the neighborhood like they own the place, even sometimes peering in our windows, picking our landscaping (flowers) and playing in our front yard. I've corrected them before about these things and wonder sometimes if I am being a mean, crabby woman. The kind that yells at the kids to stay out of her flower beds, but I don't know, I feel like they should know better. I teach my kids to stay out of people's yards. It is not polite to trespass. And come on, we have flowers and pretty things in our yard to make it look nice and to enjoy. Not so that the neighbor kids can wear flowers in their hair and play flower girls by littering the rose petals all over the sidewalk. Pick your own darn landscaping! But I digress...
Well, if nothing else, the surprise fire department visit provided us with some dinnertime excitement! Lucas loved seeing his heroes come to our house.
Now what to do about the sassafras potential pranksters? Making a false 911 call is a pretty serious offense!!
I got pulled over and ticketed today for the first time since my college years. I was doing 80 in a 65. I had no idea what the speed limit was, but 80 seemed like a pretty good freeway speed to me. I was mostly keeping up with traffic, there just happened to not be a lot of traffic around when I was caught. Darn it.
And the stinky thing is, I was going to pick up another great Craig's List deal. I was saving $100 from buying it at the store new. I don't know what my ticket will cost me, but I would guess more than $100. Not such a deal after all.
On a positive note, the seller took pity on me and cut the price by 20 bucks and I got a message from Classmates.com today that they will be refunding me my $15.
And the stinky thing is, I was going to pick up another great Craig's List deal. I was saving $100 from buying it at the store new. I don't know what my ticket will cost me, but I would guess more than $100. Not such a deal after all.
On a positive note, the seller took pity on me and cut the price by 20 bucks and I got a message from Classmates.com today that they will be refunding me my $15.
On Dating
Here is a conversation that I had with my 3 year old last night:
Lucas: Bye Mama, I'm going on a date with Mary.
Me: What?! Mary who?
Lucas: She has a little lamb.
Me: Is the lamb coming on the date?
Lucas: Yes!
Sheesh! Kids are dating younger and younger these days. I couldn't help but smile that he wants to go out with a nursery rhyme. Not too baaaaaaaaaaaad. Could have been someone like Mary, Mary quite contrary or the little girl with the little curl.
Lucas: Bye Mama, I'm going on a date with Mary.
Me: What?! Mary who?
Lucas: She has a little lamb.
Me: Is the lamb coming on the date?
Lucas: Yes!
Sheesh! Kids are dating younger and younger these days. I couldn't help but smile that he wants to go out with a nursery rhyme. Not too baaaaaaaaaaaad. Could have been someone like Mary, Mary quite contrary or the little girl with the little curl.
Working Girl
As of May 2, I will officially join the work force again. Very part time, just one morning per week, but it still counts for something. I will be working in our church office as an administrative assistant--helping do the weekly bulletin, making reminder calls, keeping the church calendar, helping to plan events, etc. I am pretty excited as it will be nice to get out of the house for a few hours per week, be around other adults, and help out with our income, too. Serving my church is an added bonus. And I think that my new boss, our Pastor Brad, will be a good guy to work with.
I just received a social security statement and it was weird to see $0, no income for 2006. I wish that I got a paycheck for being a stay at home mom. It would be a fat one for changing all of those dirty diapers, making 3 meals per day, keeping the house mostly clean, playing with the kids, driving them to school and the doctors office, keeping up with laundry, dishes, etc. It is by far the hardest job that I have ever had, and sometime so thankless. But I wouldn't have it any other way!
One of the coolest things about me working is that Mike is going to take off Friday mornings to be with the kids. This way they won't have to go to a sitter and they will get some extra quality time with their daddy, which is so important.
I just received a social security statement and it was weird to see $0, no income for 2006. I wish that I got a paycheck for being a stay at home mom. It would be a fat one for changing all of those dirty diapers, making 3 meals per day, keeping the house mostly clean, playing with the kids, driving them to school and the doctors office, keeping up with laundry, dishes, etc. It is by far the hardest job that I have ever had, and sometime so thankless. But I wouldn't have it any other way!
One of the coolest things about me working is that Mike is going to take off Friday mornings to be with the kids. This way they won't have to go to a sitter and they will get some extra quality time with their daddy, which is so important.
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