So today I could not sleep again during nap time. Sleep is eluding me more and more lately (both during the kid's nap times and at night), but today I had a good reason for my inability to snooze.
I kept hearing all of these banging noises and thinking that it was my kids up and hammering on toys, I was on edge and unable to relax. I got up, walked around to see if they were out of their rooms, listened at their doors and when I could tell that they were quiet, I dragged myself back to bed. I lay there unsuccessfully for over an hour, desperately trying to rest and silently cursing whoever was making all of that ruckus.
Turns out it was both of my neighbors...one was hammering a metal pipe (What?!) and the other was cutting down a tree right outside our bedroom window. I opened the blinds to take a photo of the tree cutting culprit, as proof. He saw me standing there and snapping away at him. Probably wondering, "What the hell?" Well Buster, stop chopping down your trees when I am trying to have a quiet, lazy Sunday afternoon. Hmph.
Did your neighbor ever say anything about you taking the picture? I must admit, there was a time a few weeks ago when I snapped a picture of my next door neighbor outside. There was maybe 2 inches of snow on the driveway and she was out there shoveling already as the snow continued to fall...and the bulk of the snow was yet to come. Take into account she's probably close to 70, and one of our other neighbors will plow her driveway for her. Crazy woman!
Ahh yes. I remember hearing it while I was trying to nap too. Except my response was to drearily lift my head up about 3-4 inches off of the pillow, think to myself "I wonder what's causing all of that noise?", then drop my head back down and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
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