
The Power of CANDY

Today I had one of those nightmarish mom experiences where both of my kids were screaming at once in a public place. I was actually buying noodle bowls from the sweet noodle bowl man who asked me when the baby was due after Emily had been born. See here for a refresher.

First Lucas started wailing...I don't know what happened, I think that the noodle bowl man scared him. Then I put Emily down so that I could pay and she started bellowing. My purse contents dumped out onto the floor amid all of the chaos and I noticed a forgotten pack of Sweet Tarts. Quickly tearing off the wrapper, I popped one in each child's howling mouth and enjoyed the immediate silence.

Man, that's some powerful stuff. I don't even like Sweet Tarts yet I had to have one then, too.

Hmmmm, Sweet Tarts are a good metaphor for being a parent. Mostly sweet with a little sour.

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