
Running Report

I ran three times this week!! That is a really good record for me lately. Two times were on the treadmill for about 3 miles and this morning I ran a glorious 8.5 outside (half of these were with my family--Mike pushed the kids in our new double jogger and half were by my lonesome). And then this afternoon, I took an hour and a half walk with a friend. That's a lot of sunshine and cardio in one day, almost 4 hours worth. Maybe I can do this marathon, Jen!


running shoes said...

while you had a cardio feast, I was on the other end this week in a 5- course- meal- every- night way. Believe me I'd rather be in your shoes (ha ha that's a pun). we got back late last night and i feel like my arteries were poisoned for a week. i ran 3 miles this morning and thought i was going to DIE. dec. is awfully close for me with a marathon...do they have a half? i know i'm a wimp

Amanda Lomonaco said...

There is a half at the end of October. The marathon doesn't have a half only the full and a 4 person relay thing.

Do you want to can the idea? Is it too soon for sure or should we wait and see?