
Painful Public Potty 'Pissode

Yesterday while at Target shopping, Lucas said that he needed to go potty. I hightailed it to the front of the store, dumped my merchandise at a checkout isle to pick up afterwards, and got both kids out of the cart and into a potty stall. Now came the fun part.

I had to put a paper cover the seat for Lucas, pull down his pants and remove his diaper, have him hold on to the germy seat with both hands so that he wouldn't fall in, help him aim the stream that shot the back of his pants and was mostly missing the potty, all the while holding a squirming Emily.

Once that part was done, I had to figure out how to get his non-pull up diaper back on and wash his contaminated hands without putting Emily down on the filthy floor.

My solution was to bring the cart in...the big "A" kind that you can put 2-3 kids in. Well if you have ever driven one of those, you know that steering it is no easy task. It is especially challenging when holding a baby in one arm and trying to keep a half naked toddler from streaking out the door. After several failed attempts to get the thing inside the restroom (I kept crashing into the door) and Lucas showing his business to anyone walking by the restroom area, a nice lady heard my grumbling and came to help me.

Holy cow! One of my friends had said how she was dreading potty training because of public restrooms, but I had no idea how impossibly hard it would be.

It was like a scene from a comedy, yet I wasn't laughing in the moment. Luckily, I can now.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing - it's amazing how many things you go through with the kids that are torture while you're dealing with it and hilarious afterward. We're not quite to the public potty stuff, YET...

Katrina said...

Reading this made me stop and think...I might be experiencing something just like this next summer...yikes!

running shoes said...

oh man! not looking forward to that, but pretty funny to read