Our dream house (a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, with a gigantic bonus room) is for sale in the neighborhood next to ours. It is being sold due to divorce and maybe because of this is going for about $100K less than it is worth. Not too much more than what we could sell ours for. Quite an awesome deal and would be actually somewhat doable for us IF we could sell one of the Florida houses that is currently on the market and our house (which is not yet market ready with a yard full of patchy, weedy grass). Anyone want a nice starter with a large, but dead lawn in Roseville?
The dream house seller thinks that he will sell it quickly with such a great price. We are half hoping that it takes some time, though, and we might be in a better position to consider buying it.
Last night, we brainstormed ideas to keep his house from selling to anyone but us. Our brilliant plans included: posing as the seller and removing the ad from the paper and web, removing and hiding the for sale sign (daily, if necessary), signing up the neighbors on the child molesters database, putting crime tape around the yard and painting the outlines of bodies in the driveway, hiring hoodlums to hang out at the end of the street, posing myself as a pregnant hooker on the corner, and acting out drug deals on the block.
I'll let you know if it works.