

Sometimes, I really hate that that we people are so split. It seems that people either love or loathe God. Yesterday, I was at a wedding and heard a guy at the next table mockingly say, "I've got the big JC on my side." Everyone laughed. It made me want to cry because it reminded me of Jesus being tortured and the crowds mocking him. "Prophesy for us Christ...who just hit you?"

Politically, we are a divided nation. Our President is a hated man by so many. He is blamed for everything that goes wrong in this country and beyond. His ideals are mocked by the masses. In fact, I met a girl recently who was moving out of the country (perhaps partially for political reasons). She was talking about how nice it would be to get away from her mother-in-law. I joked with her, saying, "Oh is she the typical, psycho mother-in-law?" "Yeah, she's a conservative!," she spat. I choked. Sheesh.

Oh Lord, why does it have to be this way? Why can't everyone know you? Why can't we all just get along?


Anonymous said...

It's a little constitutional thing called separation of church and state. The president should run the country by govt.. laws not biblical ones.

running shoes said...

dear anonymous-
our country was founded on biblical principles. take for instance the judical, legislative, and executive braches of our government the blueprint for this idea came from the book of Isaiah (in the Bible). And while yes, there is separation of church and state, being rooted and established on so many biblical principles is what has made America different from every other totalitarian tyranny from Moscow to Berlin to Havana.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is true. Also, our forefathers came here to have more freedom of beliefs than were allowed in the mother country. I think most of us just want our commander in chief to be more concerned about large scale global situations, environmental standings (so that our children will have natural resources) and educational issues than say, two homosexuals wanting to get married. Let's keep religious beliefs (and thank goodness we do have religious freedoms, unlike those "totalitarian" nations) in the family, church and personal lives. Let's legislate the country on fundamental constitutional laws. There have been many presidents, conservative (including George Bush) and liberal, who have managed to separate their religious beliefs when making sound decisions about our country.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!! I love these types of discussions.

So are you saying that you hate G.W. because he has religious beliefs, or because you think he governs in a way that is a violation of the supposedly constitutional separation of church and state?

I say "supposedly" because the constitution doesn't actually say that overused phrase. It states that the government shall make no law advocating a specific form of religion.

So if someone makes decisions based on his or her religion, it's not a violation of that clause. In fact, I would say that everyone who participates (and especially if they're passionate about) their religion, no matter what religion it is, will have their decisions influenced by that religion.

So again I have to ask, can you cite examples where GW has violated this clause, or do you just hate the fact that he's strong in his beliefs and that it likely influences his decisions?


Anonymous said...

Actually our form of government was taken from the traditions of the Iroquois Confederacy, NOT from the bible as incorrectly stated here.