

My life is getting better and better. I feel like I am really getting this mommy business down and then I have a hard day, but I guess that that comes with the territory. I love his age now...six months, though on Saturday he'll be seven, is really fun. The boy sits up, scoots around until his little toes have blisters, "talks" a ton...Bababababa BAH, reaches for and tries to eat EVERYTHING. He is a little boy now, not so babyish. And he is exhausting to watch and keep track of and he is not even walking.

My diet restrictions are lifting somewhat, too. We are trying anyway. I am now able to try to reintroduce everything...slowly. One new thing every 5-7 days and see how he reacts. If nothing, I can keep eating it. I am starting with soy, and then on to nuts, and eggs, berries, citrus, and dairy. So excited!! I see a light finally!


Anonymous said...

So when can we eat pizza again?
-the husband

Amanda Lomonaco said...

Heck, I want an ice cream sundae first.