This is me and the growing baby belly taken a few days ago. I am 21 weeks pregnant or a little over halfway there. By the size of the ball I am carrying (and the fact that I am outgrowing my size small maternity clothes), I am truly living large. Starting to feel a bit gross, too, unfortunately. Darn the stigma that we women need to always be thin to be pretty. It's hard to lose that mentality that is drilled in us even when pregnant. Don't worry, I am absolutely not starving myself (I like food too much for that), just am not feeling super good about how I look with this freakish belly that is only halfway as big as it will get.
Friday morning is my ultrasound where we hope to find out the baby's gender this time.
Gosh, I wish I could have fit in size small maternity clothes period. You look awesome, and I'm sure Mike feels the same way - you're carrying his third child! Can't wait to here the u/s results at the end of the week. :)
I think you look fantastic!!
I'm with you though on the feeling gross and unattractive, but I really do believe it's in our heads.
Can't wait till Friday!
FACT: You're still a hottie, even when pregnant.
You look fantastic! I'm with you though. I'm 7 weeks and my pants are tight and I just feel FAT.
My husband is just as sweet as yours though and assures me it's not true.
you are having a girl, yay, yay, yay, yay!
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