
I'm Alive

There was an old pep phrase that I had taped to my computer monitor back in my Sprint telemarketing days.

It went something like this: I'm alive and awake and I feel great!

So that is where I am at today. Definitely better than I was a month or so ago or even last week for that matter.

I had a realization today. An epiphany of sorts. I was trying to take a much needed nap while the kids were doing the same when I heard the phrase "Bloom where you are planted." in my head.

This message really resonated with me. I spend much of my time more or less hating my life, feeling this crushing burden on my shoulders, drowning in my many responsibilities (kids, housework, cooking, Pampered Chef, marathon training, trying to be a decent wife) that I can only do halfway, and fighting daily just to keep my head above the water. I've prayed before that I wouldn't just survive (that's how my life feels, like survival mode), but thrive.

Well, I was reminded of that prayer and desire again today in a fresh new way. So tonight, instead of being ticked off if Emily wakes up in the middle of the night and screams for 2 hours like she did last night, I will try to bloom. Even though I am in a hard place, flowers grow best in manure. I want to be beautiful and flourishing in this season. I am sick of being a bitter stink weed.

1 comment:

michael said...

I really like that phrase (Bloom where you're planted) and I think that besides myself, there are many people that would really be inspired by it and maybe even need to hear it.

There is a fundamental theological question buried in your blog post though, and I think I will have to ponder it some on my own blog.