
Mission Impossible

My life as a mom of two little kids (one who just turned two and a five month old) is really KICKING MY BUTT!! Saying that my days are hard would be severely understated. It doesn't help that I am living on way too little sleep lately. I have insomnia again-where I am waking up at 4 or 5 in the morning and can't get back to sleep. I bought earplugs which is helping a little (at least I don't hear Lucas waking up early anymore or Emily stirring). It's nice to be oblivious at night and not thinking "Oh crap, now what?" whenever I hear a noise out of them.

My normal break during the day is the 30 or so minutes when they are both sleeping. And then I breathe my biggest sign of relief when they finally go to bed at night around 8. By that time, though, I am pretty fried and exhausted and don't have much energy to do much of anything.

Lucas does nap for a glorious 2-3 hours a day, but Emily tends to take these little nothing 30 minute catnaps all day long. What the heck can I accomplish in 30 minutes?! It actually seems like a really long time surprisingly, though.

Anyway, just bellyaching. That is why most people don't hear from me anymore, why my house is completely dirty, and why I really, REALLY want my family or Michael's to move out here.


We have such precious, wonderful times, too. Like this afternoon when we were getting ready for naps and Emily kept squealing, grinning and grabbing at her brother. They love each other so much. It's awesome.

Now if I can only survive the stress and lack of good sleep a couple more years...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there... I only have my 22 month old (but baby #2 is due in May) and I know there are moments where I wonder how I'll survive. It's a lonely feeling sometimes and so I appreciate you sharing how you're feeling. I watch Christa with her two guys and hope that I can survive these next 2 years with the grace and compassion that she has. I hope you get some good rest soon!